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I stood in front of the white board in my office looking at all the dots I connected.

Since the fire and Linsey's murder I've been breaking my back trying to get a justifiable arrest on Reggie. Or at least a search warrant to prove that his weapon was used in the shooting that killed Linsey and three other officers. Right now, more than ever I needed to show my boss and the coworkers that look up to me why I am the best. Why I've been given my own team to track this guy, I wasn't letting a guy like Reggie fuck me out of my position.

Thinking long and hard this past week about everything had me thinking. Maybe, just maybe Reggie has a dirty cop working for him. The question was still remaining as to who and just in case it was someone near I felt the need to pull in some outside help.

I heard a knock on my door making me turn briefly, "come in!" I shouted.

"You wanted to talk to me? What's all this?!" Andrew asked furrowing his brows as he closed the door. "This is what I wanted to talk to you about and I need your open mind." I told him knowing that he was the best guy to talk to right now. Andrew has ran his task force for eight years now busting sex traffickers and a little drug dealer here and there. He could sniff out bullshit just like I can and that's what I needed.

"So is this the guy that has you running up the walls?" He joked snatching Reggie's face off the board trying to get a better look at him. "More like running our fucking pockets dry. You know Captain back home doesn't want to invest any more money or time into this case. Well at least until I bring actual evidence for an arrest warrant, at this point I'd settle for a search warrant." I said. Andrew chuckled, "yeah I've been there before. There's nothing like knowing you caught your criminal but the fucking judge wants you to do a monkey dance with thousands of pieces of evidence. Just for them to smack the motherfucker on the wrist with 10 years and 6 if they're good enough." He said making me tiredly laugh. "If I had a shot I'd drink to that." We both laughed it off taking a seat.

"So what do you know about this guy? Isn't this the same one you were told to stop looking into?" He asked picking up the folder I laid on the desk thumbing through. "Reginald Williams is a twenty-five year old drug dealer that's been in the drug business for a while now. I can track some of his movements as early as 2018 thanks to his now deceased ex girlfriend." I said, it still hurts saying it.

"So what did the ex girlfriend get hung on? How is she connected to him?.." Andrew asking walking up to the board squinting his eyes in deep thought. "Her and her boyfriend at the time were scheming some of Atlanta's money fellas and they finally ran into one who wasn't too embarrassed to sue. She already had a warrant out for her arrest for a petty theft she did in Malibu over the summer. Skipped court never showed.." I explained making him nod his head. "The officers and detectives didn't even have to dig into her life really, she was already offering Reggie up on the chopping block to save her own ass. At the time drug Lord No Name was missing and house found raided with dead bodies in the yard like fucking Halloween blowups." I said making him shake his head at the gritty description.

"Found DNA of an Elijah Brown." I said taking the picture of him down looking at his smug look and dirty, curly hair.

"This right here is when they stepped in, I don't know exactly who they is but whoever it was has pull. The kind of pull that shouldn't be associating themselves with this kind, an officer sworn under oath." I stressed making Andrew place his hand on his forehead just realizing how deep this is.

"Next thing you know evidence comes up missing and everyone's walking around like it's nothing." I said walking to the desk sitting on top of it, loosening my tie. "This sounds like some undercover shit man, someone in here is definitely a pig for hire. There has to be a way to get a search warrant on this guy. Evidence coming up missing? Come on!" Andrew said trying to wrap his mind around it.

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