Human by Nature

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Aristotle quoted 'human by nature is a political animal'
I deduced 'human by nature is an animal'
'a slave to their impulsive desire'
'by nature, a moth drawn to fire'

I recall the course of my first sin
The very Magnum opus of reality
The urge that swallows me in, itching
In my heart was born a deity

She, an ugly, ugly, alluring creature
Fed me the apples of my guilty pleasure
She showed me the art of emotion
Painted in colors of my devotion
Red; for love and hate, passion and rage
Are all the same in shades of many stage

She; an ugly, ugly, alluring fantasy
Showed me the window to my reality
"Human huger for what they starve"
She says "And starve for what they cannot have"
Knowing the art of emotion and yearning
Then your nature you are done learning

Feel the urge fueled with emotion_ red
Now you are that hunter
Who chases the prey till either is found dead
Who by nature is an animal

Author's Note

Yes! It is just exactly how it seems; the nature of human which is often compared to that of an animal. As a political scientist, the phrase 'agreed to disagree' is a very common phase as there is no universal definition for a term in social science.

So, you might disagree to the meaning behind this piece but in my own school of thoughts...

Human's are animalistic in nature in terms of urges and wants that give birth to perverted love in once heart.

For example, envy (one of the seven deadly sins from Dante's inferno) is a form of perverted love born from the urge to have what someone else possess. So, feeling those emotions as strong as envy, greed or lust, our actions are mostly controlled by pure instinct which clouds our judgement and rationality. Those are the animalistic nature visible in human behavior.

I'm a nocturnal being so I wrote this piece at the dead of the night when I was randomly thinking of my life. I hope you like it, and maybe you can relate a little to it.

Love 💝
Adaza Adebayo

Rhyme scheme:

Stanza 1; AA BB

Stanza 2; A B A B

Stanza 3; AA BB CC

Stanza 4; AA BB CC

Stanza 5; A B A B

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