Tiger Lily

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Here I sit on a wild field

Back against the stem of Flower; my shield

Tiger Lily whisper

Like ice caressing my skin; I shiver

The urge that swallows me in

At the sound of Flower's humming

Words formed on the skies in light

I am torn either to sing or to write

Left with little choice

Either for pen or for voice

Here I sit in an empty room

Back against Flower like a looming doom

Tiger Lily whispers

In glitches the dreams starts

Vividly projected on the wall

'a gently walk on rocky part

I stumbles and I fall

My blood arrays the ground in arts

In beauty I can't recall'

I woke up with a start

Here I am on that rocky part

Back against Flower looming like a tower

Tiger Lily whisper

I woke from my dream with a start

Flower clutched in shaky hand

Voice drowning like sinking sand

"Where is my voice?"

I cried in Flower's noise

Away from rocks, it lift me high

Thus come Flower sigh


Here I stand on youthful land

Back against the world; Flower in my hand

Tiger Lily whisper

Pure and white is the harmony

As everyone stares and sees

"Please love me" I sings

"Please love me" Flower hums the melody

But our voice is drawn out by the river

Our love is buried in a frozen lake

I tried to scream but now I am awake


Here I stand on that frozen lake

Back against the sun for Flower's sake

Tiger Lily whisper

"I've loose my voice for you"

"And you made me a sinner"

I recall it's word being true

Flower can never make up for an ugly soul

Fragrance can never heal it's foul

I screamed, but I have no voice

In tears, flower grows to embrace

Here I am tangled in Flower's bush

Back against the soft bud of petals

Tiger Lily whispers

Pain buried in Flower's lush

Again, Flower whisper pure and white

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