Bonus Chapter

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3 years later:

" Aruu, slow down, beta!" Avanya yelled, laughing, as Arohi ran into the living room, excitement radiating from her face.

"Papaaa!" Arohi squealed, rushing into Akshit's arms, who smiled and hugged her, kissing her head affectionately. The others smiled, warmed by the tender moment.

"Papa, I boght a doll set! Mumma, sow papa," Arohi said, looking up at Avanya, who placed the shopping bags on the couch. Avanya smiled and handed Arohi the doll set.

"Papa, see? There is a doll, her bed, clotes, an dinnar set," Arohi exclaimed, showing Akshit each item.
(Papa see? There is a doll , her bed, her clothes, and dinner set)

"Wow, Aru, this is so cute," Akshit said, impressed, smiling at his daughter.

"Ill you pay wit me, Papa?" Arohi asked, pouting adorably.
(Will you play with me papa?)

"Of course, my little sunshine," Akshit replied, pulling her into his lap and offering her water.

Meanwhile, Avanya showed off the dresses she'd bought for Arohi and Ziaan, who grinned and kissed her cheeks upon receiving his toy car.

Esha admired the beautiful frock Avanya had chosen for Arohi and exclaimed with a wide smile "Wow, this dress is so pretty, bhabhi! Our Aru will look like a doll in this!"

Arohi whispered in her father's ear, "Papa..." and he listened patiently.

"Yes, bacha?"

"I walt ice ceam," she demanded, her puppy eyes melting Akshit's heart.
(I want ice cream.)

"Okay, baby, we'll have ice cream after dinner tonight," he promised, gently brushing away the baby hair irritating her forehead.

She smiled and kissed his cheeks, saying "thak you, Papa."
(Thank you papa)

Akshit pov:

Today is my Arohi's third birthday, and she's beaming with excitement, because of getting new dresses and gifts. I entered our room to find my beautiful girls getting ready.

Avanya was dolled up in a blue saree, her hair tied in an elegant bun with few flicks at the corners , while Arohi looked like a tiny princess in her white frock, resembling a delicate doll. Avanya was combing her hair and applying a subtle lipstick to Arohi's lips. My little world.

 My little world

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