3- Unexpected Allies

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The rest of the school day passed by excruciatingly slowly for Bluey. She couldn't focus on her classes, her mind preoccupied with the incident at lunch. She could feel people staring at her in the hallways and overhearing whispers, but she tried to ignore it.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Bluey grabbed her backpack and made her way out to the bus.

As she walked out to the bus, Bluey spotted something - a small group of girls gathered around something, whispering and giggling. Her curiosity piqued, she made her way over to see what was going on.

As Bluey approached, she could see that the girls were huddled around a phone, looking at something on the screen. They all had matching grins on their faces, as if they were privy to a secret joke.

Bluey cautiously poked her way through the group, trying to get a glimpse of what they were looking at. Just as she got close enough to see, one of the girls caught sight of her and quickly shut off her phone.

They all looked at Bluey, their grins turning into smirks.

One of the girls, a French Bulldog named Daisy, spoke up. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here."

Another girl, a West Highland Terrier named Holly, snickered. "If it isn't the girl who kissed a girl."

A dog that was watching walked next to Bluey, soon infront.

"That's like saying 'oH iF iT iSn'T tHe GuY tHaT wAs StUpId'!" He mocked. It was a brown-spotted bull terrier.

The girls all turned to look at the boy, their expressions souring

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The girls all turned to look at the boy, their expressions souring. Holly shot him a glare.

"Who invited you, Bo?"

The boy, Bo, shrugged nonchalantly. "Nobody invited me. I just thought I'd offer my unsolicited opinion."

The girls rolled their eyes, clearly annoyed by his presence. Daisy spoke up again, her tone derisive. "No one asked for your opinion, Bo."

"No one asked for you to be born, but you're here aren't you?" Bo shot back, the dogs watching going "OHHHHHHH!"

Holly's expression darkened, her anger barely contained. "Watch your mouth, Bo."

Bo smirked, clearly unfazed by her threats. "Or what? You're just mad because I'm speaking the truth."

Daisy stepped forward, her eyes narrowed. "You're nothing but a troublemaker, Bo."

Bo just shrugged again. "Guilty as charged. But at least I'm not a gossiping pack of hyenas."

Daisy stepped forward, getting in Bo's face. "You think you're funny, don't you? But you're just a loser trying to impress girls who will never give you the time of day."

"IMPRESS? Why would I want to impress a bunch of cockwaffles?" He sneered.

Holly let out a scoff, clearly unimpressed. "Cockwaffles? What are you, seven? You can't think of anything more clever than that?"

"Oh sorry, lemme try again!" He told them sarcastically. "Ugly ass deformed bitches." Everyone gasped.

The group of girls looked scandalized by Bo's outburst. Daisy looked particularly furious.

"Who do you think you are, talking to us like that?!" she exclaimed.

"I think I'm... oh right I'm Bo. Now, you, the blue one, the bus is about to leave," Bo told them as he sashayed to the bus with Bluey.

Bluey watched Bo saunter away, feeling a mixture of surprise and confusion. She hadn't expected the insult-flinging boy to come to her rescue.

As the bus started to pull away, she made her way to an empty seat. It was only then that she realized that Bo was sitting in the seat beside her.

"Oh hey blues, I never actually caught your name. What is it? Mine's Bo, I think I said it like, a million times."

Bluey, still feeling a little dazed from the encounter with the girls, turned to face Bo. "Oh, um, I'm Bluey," she said. "Thanks for sticking up for me back there."

Bo just shrugged, a carefree expression on his face. "Eh, those girls are a bunch of stuck-up snobs anyway. They needed someone to knock them down a peg."

Bluey and the High School Days [Finished!]Where stories live. Discover now