9- The Dance's Secrets

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⚠️BLOOD⚠️ (no drawing tho)

As the car pulled up to Bluey's school, Bingo's excitement was tinged with just a bit of nervousness. She had never been to a dance before, and the thought of it both thrilled and intimidated her.

"Okay, girls, we're here," Chilli said with a smile, stopping the car in front of the entrance.

Bingo and Bluey both got out of the car, each of them dressed up in their best outfits. Bingo smoothed down her suit, made with a skirt. Bluey, on the other hand, was wearing a pastel yellow dress.

GDUnicorn you asked for bingo to be in a suit :)

"You both look beautiful," Chilli said, looking at her daughters fondly. "Have fun at the dance, girls. But remember, be home before midnight, okay?"

"Yes, mum," Both Bingo and Bluey chorused, their voices filled with anticipation. They said their goodbyes to Chilli and made their way into the school, their hearts beating fast with excitement.

As Bluey approached her group, her eyes immediately darted to Bo's hand, which was intertwined with an Irish Wolfhound's. Surprise and confusion danced across her face. Who was this new addition?

"Hey, guys," Bluey greeted her friends, trying to keep her voice even despite her bewilderment.

Honey noticed her glance at Bo and the Irish Wolfhound and said, "Oh, Bluey, this is Kuma. Bo invited him to come with him to the dance."


Across the room, Banjo spotted Bingo standing by herself, looking a bit lost. His heart leapt, and he made his way over to her.

"Hey, Bingo," he said with a smile, trying to appear casual.  Banjo took note of Bingo and her suit, feeling a flutter in his chest. He didn't expect her to wear something so...so... attractive.

"You look..." he began, his voice betraying his surprise, "You look great in that suit."

As the rest of the heeler's friends approached, they all gave Bingo a look of approval.

"Whoa, Bingo," Fang said with admiration, "you look great."

"Yeah, you totally rock that suit," Dusty added, her voice filled with awe.

The whole time, Lila was trying to keep her cool, but she couldn't help but find Bingo absolutely gorgeous in her suit.

Her cheeks were burning red, and she hoped no one would notice. Bingo, being playful, suddenly grabbed Lila and spun her around. Lila was taken by surprise, but she laughed and went along with it, enjoying the unexpected twirl.

"Bingo!" she giggled as they stopped, her heart fluttering from the unexpected contact.

"What? Can't I have a little fun?" Bingo replied, her eyes sparking with mischief.

Lila's heart rate quickened even more when she was that smirk on Bingo's face. She swallowed hard, trying to keep her cool. Before she could respond, however, Banjo intervened. He didn't like Bingo being so close to Lila, and he felt a pang of jealousy in his chest.

"Excuse me, but I think it's time for our first dance," he interjected, stepping between Lila and Bingo and taking Bingo's hand. Banjo had decided to stake his claim on Bingo, and he wasn't going to let another dog get too close to her.

Lila's heart sank as she watched Banjo lead Bingo away. She wanted to say something, but the words stuck in her throat. She had to watch as her crush was taken away from her, both literally and figuratively.

Fang, on the sidelines, watched this exchange with a mix of annoyance and resignation. He knew that Banjo liked Bingo, but it still infuriated him to see Bingo being led away like that. He couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as Banjo whisked Bingo onto the dance floor.

Fang clenched his fists and looked away, his heart heavy. He had harbored a secret crush on Bingo himself, but he had never had the courage to tell her. Seeing Banjo with her now was like a twist of the knife.

As the girls' attention was drawn elsewhere, Fang saw his chance and seized it. He approached Banjo and, with a determined stride, grabbed him by the arm and pulled him outside.

"What the-" Banjo sputtered, caught off guard by the sudden action. He turned to look at Fang, his expression a mix of surprise and annoyance. "What the hell, man?"

Fang's face was a mask of anger and frustration. He'd had enough of watching Banjo hogging all of Bingo's attention.

"I need to talk to you," he hissed, his voice strained. "Somewhere private."

Fang led Banjo deeper into the woods until they were far enough away from the ears that could overhear their conversation. They stopped under a large tree, surrounded by the swaying shadows of the forest.

As soon as they were out of sight, Fang's pent up frustrations erupted. In a flash, he grabbed Banjo by the collar and pushed him against the tree trunk with a thud.

"Alright, listen here, " Fang growled, his eyes narrowing. "I've had enough of you hogging Bingo all night."

Banjo coughed as he hit the tree, caught off guard by the sudden aggression.

"What the hell, man?" he sputtered again, his voice hoarse from the impact. "Let me go!"

The argument quickly escalated into a full-blown brawl. Fist hit flesh as Fang and Banjo fought, their growls and grunts echoing in the night. Soon, blood started to be drawn.

Banjo tried to hold his ground, but Fang's anger and adrenaline made him stronger. He landed blow after blow, each one connecting with a sickening thud. Soon, Banjo was bloodied and bruised, his strength almost depleted.

"I...hate you..." Banjo said in his last breath. Fang touched his hand. Cold. He was indeed, dead. He picked him up and dug a hole, burying him after. He went to the restroom unnoticed and cleaned himself off, putting on his spare suit he had brung.

As Fang emerged from the restroom, fresh and clean in his spare suit, he allowed himself to feel a moment of relief. Nobody had noticed his absence during the fight, and he had successfully cleaned up any signs of his crime. He straightened his tie, took a deep breath, and rejoined the dance as if nothing had happened.

The night went on, and nobody suspected a thing. Fang danced with a fake smile, his mind racing with the secret he now carried. Nobody would ever know what he had done to Banjo.


"Hey Fang, do you know where Banjo is?" Bingo asked him, worry on her face. Sure, she didn't like him, but he was still a nice guy.

Fang's heart skipped a beat as Bingo approached him, asking about Banjo. He had hoped nobody would notice the dog's absence, but of course, Bingo would ask. He forced a smile, trying to act casually.

"Banjo?," he replied, feigning concern. "He told me he threw up earlier so he went home," he lied to her, hoping she'd believe him.




"Oh, okay..." she sighed, fully believing him.

Fang felt a pang of guilt as he lied to Bingo, but he quickly pushed it aside. He had to stay calm and composed.

"Yeah, poor guy must've eaten too much cupcakes," he added, continuing with the lie.

Bingo nodded, accepting the explanation. "That sounds like Banjo," she said with a small laugh. "He does have a sweet tooth."

Fang managed a chuckle, trying to keep up the facade. "Yeah, he definitely does," he said, feeling relieved that she seemed to buy the story.


As the dance concluded, the lights came back on, signaling the end of the event. The students started to gather their things, readying themselves to go home.

Fang felt guilty, but it was the reasonable thing to do at the time, to him.


The next day, Bluey and Bingo were looking through the tv, when they landed in the news channel.

"Breaking news, a twelve year old child has gone missing. Please contact ******* if you find him."

A picture of Banjo was put on the screen, making both the kids gasp.

Bluey and the High School Days [Finished!]Where stories live. Discover now