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Chapter 13: Finding Samantha

Detective Mark Thompson hunched over the desk littered with photographs and scribbled notes, his attention carved into every piece of evidence like a sculptor to his stone. The room hummed with the dull glow of the overhead light and the distant mumblings of the precinct beyond the door. His eyes, seasoned with years of chasing shadows, settled on an intercepted note, tendrils of Vincent Russo's dark world now within his grasp.

"Hmm," Thompson hummed to himself, a breakthrough teasing the edges of his consciousness. "What have we here?"

The door to his office creaked open, and in stumbled Emily, her blonde locks a storm of frizz, testament to her worry and the sleepless nights spent fretting over Sam.

"Detective Thompson! Any news?" Emily gasped out, her breath a staccato of hope and desperation.

Thompson grunted affirmatively, gesturing to the seat opposite him. "Sit down, Emily. Our net's untangling, and it's snaring some big fish."

"Oh, God..." Emily took the seat, her hands clasped tight enough to whiten her knuckles.

Thompson slid a grainy photograph across the desk, his finger tapping on the image of Vincent Russo leaning over an unidentifiable figure. "Caught our friend here on a pier. Seems like he's offering his final respects."

Emily's eyes widened. "Is that-?"

"Not Sam No need for alarm." Thompson's voice cut through her rising panic like a knife. "But it's the lead we've been needing. Russo's talking to the fishes all right-and it's all been recorded."

"Recorded?! You mean-"

"A mic'd up mollusk!" Thompson let out a short, dry chuckle. "Not really, Emily. But we've got audio of him. He loves his poetic confessions."

Emily's posture stiffened with a mixture of fear and excitement. "Can we use it to find Sam?"

"That's what I'm banking on," Thompson said, leaning back in his chair and interlacing his fingers behind his head. "Russo's not quiet about his desires-the guy's obsessed. Keeps yammering on about an angel who walked into his hell. No prizes for guessing who that angel is."

A tremor of hope vibrated through Emily. "Samantha..."

"Yeah And Vince the Prince loves his angel a little too much, if you get my drift." The detective reached for another document, one that laid out Vincent's known affiliates. "Means he'll keep her close, maybe even in the lap of luxury. His twisted version of a gilded cage."

"So he won't... hurt her?" Emily's eyes sought reassurance, a lighthouse amidst a squall.

Thompson let out a long, weary hum. "Not likely. He wants her. And that's all we need to crack this nut. Get the girl, get the goon. Two for one."

Emily chewed on her bottom lip, pondering the monstrous love of a mafia boss. "You think she's..."

"At his mansion. It's the only place fortified enough for him to feel safe keeping his prize." Thompson's tone grew steely, reflecting his resolve.

A silence stretched between them, thick enough to smother a scream. Then, gathering her courage, Emily spoke up, "We need to act, Detective. She doesn't have much time."

"Right you are. And we've got enough to ding this bell." Thompson stood, his joints protesting with a symphony of creaks. "I'm ringing up Max, our man on the inside. He'll help us draw the map."

"You mean Max is..." Emily's expression fluttered between shock and admiration.

"In deep undercover, yeah," Thompson confirmed, reaching for the handset of his desk phone.

Emily held her breath as the line crackled and hummed, then the welcomed grunt on the other end.

"Max, it's Thompson," the detective announced. "We've got a window. Time to crack it open and let some sunlight into Russo's dark little parlor."

Static crackled for a moment, Max's voice muffled but edged with determination. "Understood. Sun's on its way."

Thompson replaced the handset with a solid thud. "Operation Sunshine is go."

"Operation Sunshine?" Emily quirked a brow, hope filling her eyes.

"Fitting for bringing our girl back, don't you think? Willing to help us turn on the lights, Emily?"

"Absolutely," she declared, with a kind of bravery reserved for the fiercest of storms. "Let's bring Sam home."

"I got a task for you then." Thompson leaned forward, his face a mask of cool command. "Spread the word. Russo's foes will be eager to see him fall. We could use the chaos."

Emily nodded, her essence vibrating with purpose. "Consider it done, Detective."

The two of them shared a comradely nod, a silent pact made under the flickering fluorescent light. As Emily turned to leave, Thompson uttered a low, "Ahem."

She glanced back, meeting his gaze.

"Emily, just... take care, okay? We're up against a beast." Thompson's warning rode a line between concern and command.

Emily mustered a small smile, fierce as a war dance. "Aren't we all? But this little Red is ready for the Big Bad Wolf."

Thompson's lips twitched into a smirk as brave as a soldier's. Emily left with the clack of her heels, like a metronome ticking away the seconds until showdown.

Thompson sat back down, his fingers finding a familiar rhythm on the keyboard. The glow of his screen illuminated his features, revealing a resolve as immovable as the bedrock.

In his heart, a hesitant promise echoed-an oath to bring Samantha back before her screams turned into silence, before the twisted vines of Vincent Russo's love smothered the bright spirit they sought to save.

The detective's voice hummed a warrior's melody, filling the room with the rhythm of impending justice. And a gust of anticipation whispered through the precinct, bringing with it the scent of an approaching storm, laced with whispers of rescue and the symphony of retribution.

Under the dim lights of the precinct, among scattered papers and determined heartbeats, a quest for deliverance unfolded-a melody of hope and the iron drum of the law. Samantha St.Onge's fate hung in the balance, a pendulum swaying over the abyss.

Let the countdown begin.

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