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I stand frozen, fear pulsing through my veins as Vincent and Joey approach me with wide grins. Vincent's hand snakes around my waist, pulling me close. "Smile for the camera, mia bella," he purrs, his breath hot against my ear.

Joey tugs at my dress, demanding attention. "Up, Mommy! I want up!" Reluctantly, I hoist him into my arms, his sticky hands clinging to my neck.

The photographer motions for us to move closer. Vincent's grip tightens, his fingers digging into my hip. "One big, happy family," he declares, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

Joey follows suit, his lips wet against my skin. "Love you, Mommy!" he chirps, nuzzling into me.

I fight the urge to recoil, my stomach churning. The camera flashes, capturing the moment - Vincent and Joey's genuine joy, and my barely concealed terror.

As soon as the photo is taken, Vincent releases me, turning to his associates. "Gentlemen, let's talk business."

Joey wriggles out of my arms, chasing after his father. "Wait for me, Daddy!"

I'm left standing alone, forgotten once again. The weight of my wedding band feels like a shackle, a constant reminder of my inescapable fate. I glance around the room, desperate for a friendly face, but find only cold stares and whispered judgments.

Tears prick at my eyes, but I blink them away. I can't show weakness, not here, not now. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the long night ahead, trapped in this gilded cage with the man I'm forced to call my husband.

I stumble through the ballroom, my vision blurry and head spinning. The room tilts as I grasp at Vincent's sleeve. "Vincent... please, I need to lie down. I don't feel well."

He glances down, his dark eyes glinting. "Of course, mia dolce Sammi. Let's get you to bed."

Vincent scoops me up effortlessly, cradling me against his broad chest. I bury my face in his shoulder, hot tears soaking his suit jacket.

"Shh, va tutto bene. You're safe with me," he murmurs, carrying me out of the ballroom.

I'm fading fast, exhaustion and whatever was in my drink pulling me under. Vincent's footsteps echo in the empty hallway.

"Papa?" Joey's sleepy voice drifts over. "Is Mama okay?"

"Si, figlio mio. Just tired from the big day. I've got you both now."

Vincent shifts me in his arms, bending to lift Joey too. The last thing I feel before sleep claims me is the soft brush of Vincent's lips on my forehead and his dark whisper, "Mia famiglia, per sempre."

Vincents's POV:

I carry Sammi's delicate, sleeping form in my arms, her tear-stained face nestled against my chest. Joey trails behind, rubbing his eyes and yawning. As we enter my bedroom, I gently lay Sammi on the plush bed, her hair splaying out like a golden halo.

Joey crawls up beside her, snuggling close. "Is Mommy okay, Daddy?"

I ruffle his hair affectionately. "She's just tired, buddy. It's been a big day for all of us."

Padding to my walk-in closet, I retrieve a pair of my silk pajamas. Sammi looks so peaceful, her breathing soft and even. I carefully remove her glasses, folding them and placing them on the nightstand. With tender movements, I change her out of the wedding dress and into my pajamas, the fabric draping loosely on her small frame.

After hanging the dress, I return to the bed, pulling a delicate chain from my pocket. The metal glints in the dim light as I secure it around Sammi's ankle, tethering her to me. Joey watches with curious eyes.

"What's that for, Daddy?"

I smile, brushing a stray curl from Sammi's face. "It's to keep Mommy safe, Joey. So she knows she belongs with us."

Joey grins, his expression so like my own. "I like it when Mommy's with us. She's pretty."

"She is, isn't she?" I lean down, pressing a kiss to Sammi's tear-stained cheek. Her skin is soft beneath my lips, and I can't resist flicking my tongue out to taste the saltiness of her tears. She whimpers in her sleep, and a thrill runs through me.

Turning to Joey, I kiss his forehead. "Sleep well, little man. We've got a big day planned with Mommy tomorrow."

Joey's eyes light up. "Really? What are we gonna do?"

"It's a surprise." I wink conspiratorially. "But I promise it'll be fun for all of us."

As I straighten, I take one last look at my sleeping angels. Sammi, my beautiful bride, and Joey, my pride and joy. They're mine, both of them. And I'll make sure they never forget it.

With a satisfied smile, I exit the bedroom, closing the door softly behind me. The ballroom is still alive with music and chatter as I descend the stairs. Antonio approaches, a glass of scotch in hand.

"Everything alright, boss?" he asks, handing me the drink.

I take a sip, savoring the burn. "Perfect. Just put my little family to bed."

Antonio chuckles. "Sammi looked dead on her feet. Guess the excitement got to her."

I smile darkly. "Oh, it wasn't just the excitement. Let's just say I made sure she'd sleep soundly tonight."

Understanding dawns in Antonio's eyes. "You drugged her."

"Just a little something to help her relax." I shrug, unapologetic. "She's had a lot to process. I want her well-rested for tomorrow."

Antonio raises an eyebrow. "What's tomorrow?"

I grin, clapping him on the shoulder. "Family bonding time. I'm taking the day off to spend with my wife and son."

"Sounds like a nice gesture, boss."

"Oh, it is. But it's also an opportunity." I lower my voice, leaning in closer. "Sammi's still scared of me, Antonio. I can see it in her eyes. Tomorrow, I'm going to show her just how much she has to fear."

Antonio nods, a glimmer of respect in his gaze. "You always were a master of the game, Vincent."

I chuckle, taking another sip of scotch. "And Sammi's my favorite toy. I'll break her, mold her, until she's completely mine. Body, mind, and soul."

We clink glasses, a toast to my twisted desires. The ballroom swirls with laughter and clinking china, but my thoughts are consumed by the sleeping angel in my bed. My Sammi, so pure and innocent. And me, the monster who will corrupt her.

I smile, cold and cruel. She has no idea what's in store for her. But she will. Oh, she will. And when I'm done with her, she'll never want to leave my side again. She's mine, now and forever. And tomorrow, I'll make sure she understands that in every possible way.

My grip tightens on the glass, anticipation thrumming through my veins. I can hardly wait to see the fear in her eyes, to feel her tremble beneath my touch. It's going to be a day she'll never forget.

As I mingle with the guests, my mind is already spinning with plans. Sammi thinks she knows fear now. But she has no idea what true terror is. Not yet. But she will. Because I'm going to show her. I'm going to break her down until she's nothing but a quivering mess, begging for my mercy.

And then, when she's at her lowest, I'll build her back up. Mold her into the perfect wife, the perfect mother for Joey. She'll be mine, completely and utterly. And she'll love every second of it.

I smile, raising my glass in a silent toast to my own brilliance. Here's to the future, to my beautiful bride and the hell I'm going to put her through. Sammi, my love, you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into. But don't worry. I'll make sure you never forget. After all, what kind of husband would I be if I didn't keep my promises?

With a final chuckle, I down the rest of my scotch and head back into the fray. Tomorrow can't come soon enough. But for now, I'll bask in the glow of my victory and the delicious anticipation of what's to come. Sammi, my darling, sleep well. Because when you wake up, your nightmare will just be beginning.

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