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Sunlight peeked in through the heavy drapes, an uninvited guest in the oppressive darkness of Vincent's bedroom. My chest heaved with each wracking cough, the sound echoed only by my own sniffles. As blissful sleep parted, I found myself wading through the haze of illness, clutching a blanket around me like armor against unseen foes. I didn't want to admit it, but I craved Vincent's presence.

I crept to the door, my limbs heavy. It creaked open, revealing the guard's imposing frame.

"Mi dispiace, Signora, you can't-"

Desperation lent speed to my feet, and I darted under his outstretched arm towards Vincent's office-the lion's den. Inside, Vincent's voice thundered in Italian, words slicing through the air like knives.

Vincent's POV:

My eyes narrow as I bark orders at my subordinates, my thunderous voice echoing through the office. The sheer incompetence surrounding me is infuriating. Suddenly, the door bursts open, and a small figure rushes in, breathing heavily. It's my little Sammi, her eyes puffy and nose running with snot. Despite her disheveled state, I can't help but find her utterly adorable.

l abruptly stand, cutting off the pathetic excuses from my so-called business partners. "Get out. All of you," I growl, my eyes never leaving Sammi's trembling form. The room empties in a heartbeat, leaving only the two of us.

I stride towards her, my hand reaching out to caress her feverish cheek. "What's wrong, baby girl?" I murmur, my voice a mix of concern and possessiveness.

Sammi opens her mouth to respond, but a violent coughing fit overtakes her. I sweep her into my arms, cradling her against my chest. "Shh, I've got you," I whisper, pressing a kiss to her damp forehead.

I turn to Antonio, who hovers in the doorway. "Take over for today. I have more important matters to attend to." My tone leaves no room for argument.

"Yes, boss," Antonio nods, his eyes flickering to Sammi with a hint of disdain. I tighten my grip on her, a silent warning. She's mine, and mine alone.

I carry Sammi to my bedroom, our sanctuary. The dark, opulent space envelops us as I tuck her into the silk sheets, my hands lingering on her delicate frame. "You're burning up, baby," I frown, brushing a strand of hair from her face.

"Vincent," she croaks, her voice hoarse. "You'll get sick too."

A chuckle rumbles in my chest. "Nonsense. I'm indestructible, remember?" I slide into bed beside her, pulling her flush against me. "Besides, how could I possibly leave my little angel all alone when she needs me most?"

Sammi's eyes flutter closed as she nestles into my embrace. "You're crazy," she mumbles, her words muffled against my chest.

"Crazy about you," I grin, trailing my fingers along her spine. "Now, let me take care of you."

I spend the next hours doting on Sammi, bringing her warm soup and cool compresses. She drifts in and out of sleep, her small hand clutching mine like a lifeline. Each time she stirs, I'm there, whispering sweet nothings and promises of forever.

As the sun dips below the horizon, I too begin to feel the tendrils of fatigue pulling at me. I curl myself around Sammi, my nose buried in her hair, inhaling her intoxicating scent. "I love you," I breathe, my lips brushing her ear. "More than anything in this world."

Sammi shifts, her fever-bright eyes meeting mine. "Even more than power? Than the empire you've built?"

I cup her face, my thumb stroking her cheek. "You are my empire, Sammi. My reason for everything." I capture her lips in a searing kiss, pouring every ounce of my devotion into the embrace.

When we break apart, Sammi's cheeks are flushed, her breathing shallow. "You're insane," she whispers in fear making me smile.

"Insanely in love with you," I counter, nuzzling her neck. "Now, rest. Let me chase away the sickness and the nightmares."

As Sammi drifts off once more, secure in my arms, I allow my own eyes to close. She's mine, body and soul. And I'll burn the world to ashes before I let anyone take her from me.

In sickness and in health, 'til death do us part. And even then, I'll find her in the next life. For my love is eternal, a force that even the grim reaper himself cannot hope to reckon with.

My last conscious thought is of Sammi, my light in the darkness, my forever.

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