Chapter 1

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"Why are we here?" Nova shouted over the loud hip-hop music playing at the trendy Atlanta club. One of the places the twenty-somethings came when they visited Atlanta and wanted a taste of what the Black Hollywood was like. She could barely hear her thoughts it was very loud there between the music and the loud club-goers screaming over the noise.

"To loosen your ass up!" her friend, Mocha, shouted back at her, holding up her drink and twerking on the side of the table. In the crowded club, body to body, she basically twerked on anyone who walked past.

Mocha's older sister, Cambrea, sat beside her at the small table. Both were wild, but she was so glad they were with her, in Atlanta, vacationing for the week.

"I'm about to take a hot guy back to the room with me!" Cambrea said, with a cackle.

"Uh?" She looked around the club. Though there were a lot of men to choose from, they were all strangers in a city far away from their hometown of St. Louis. "You don't know any of these men, Cam, why would you-"

"Because a little strange is nice sometimes," she said, licking out her tongue at her.

Mocha, full name JaMocha, and Cambrea might as well have been twins, but they were not. Two years apart but close and best friends. They did not look much alike, but they acted the same. Wild, and outgoing, always loud, and sometimes obnoxious. But they were the closest friends she had right now, and she loved hanging with them.

"I don't know about strange..."

She stopped talking when she noticed someone watching her. A guy that was far off in the club surrounded by a flank of women. She could not tell if he was someone famous, seeing as in Atlanta celebrities hung with regular folks like it was nothing. She looked away and back at her friends.

"You know what? One dance never hurt anyone."

She followed JaMocha and Cambrea out to the packed dancefloor. She may be a little tipsy, having had three drinks already. This was not like her, she was more reserved. She did not act a fool in a different city with strangers. Yet here she was wilding out with her girls and getting into the music.

Why the heck not? She was young, only twenty-seven, and these were supposed to be the best years of her life. Party hard with no worries in the world. Well, of course, work so she would have money to live, pay her bills, eat, and keep a roof over her head. Plus, she needed money to shop and dress like she wanted, wearing nice things. Oh yes, hair and nails were a must, she got them done bi-weekly. She did not play with her me-time.

This vacation was her first grown-up trip in years. She mostly stuck close to home after she moved back home after her stint in New York City trying to make it as an actress.

Home called her back and she was happy to be there. Her family and the few friends she cared for were there.

"Nova getting it in!" Cambrea said, dancing on her.

She was a great dancer and knew it, from years of dance classes. Cambrea was tall and leggy, the opposite of her. She was shorter, what one might call petite at only five feet one, with a slim build. Cambrea was at least five feet eight and her younger sister was two inches taller. JaMocha, like her name, was mocha colored, a dark, reddish brown color. Cambrea a shade lighter, with more red tones in her brown.

She was the darkest, with ebony-colored skin, something she was insecure about for many years and kept her in a shell. "Tar Baby" "Darkie," "Blackie," and "Midnight," were just some of the names she was called throughout her childhood. She never saw the beauty in herself till later in life, in college, when her dark skin caught the attention of guys who deemed her exotic.

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