Chapter 24

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His guilty conscience of what he had done with Starchima was getting to him.

He knew he needed to be honest and tell Nova, but he could lose her. After all he went through to get her to become his girl, he could lose her over letting another girl suck him off. He moaned and groaned, tossed and turned as he slept in bed next to her.

Her warm, small body pressed against his, as he dreamt of them naked, tangled in the sheets. Having this sexual tension built up every time he was close to Nova, yet he couldn't do anything about it. If he could, he would have sex with her all day every day.

That was the type of thinking that could get him in trouble.

He did not want their relationship to be about just sex. There had to be more to them. He respected her too much to take their relationship where many others went.

Especially like Starchima.

After another sleepless night at Nova's place, he went back to his sister's. His body craved a cold shower. It cleared his thoughts. What he would have really liked was an ice bath that he got periodically in Atlanta to distress. Once his thoughts were clear of the naughty thoughts, we wrapped a towel around his waist and went into his room. Davina barged in while he was still naked, only wrapped up in a towel.

"Hey! I'm naked in here." He held onto his towel to make sure it didn't expose himself.

"Boy, nobody checking for you. This is still my motherfucking place, so deal with it." She walked in and sat on the bed as if he wasn't still naked standing there. "You can stay out all night and sneak on in the morning...this reminds me of back in high school."

"Excuse me? First of all, you're not my mother...secondly, where the fuck were you yesterday evening when you didn't come home."

She smiled, thinking of whatever dirty deeds she had done that night. Then she snapped out of it and got serious again. "This isn't about me! I said reminds me of high school, because I always had to lie and juggle between those little tramps you brought around. I'm not doing that now. Don't bring me into your mess."

"What are you talking about? There is no mess. I was with Nova." Since his sister would not leave, he grabbed pajama bottoms and put them on under his towel before removing the towel. He was not ready to have chit-chat time with his sister, he needed sleep.

"That mess called me up telling me how she loved my place but when I was interested in buying a house, to call her?"

Oh, what the hell? He could not even say anything, but the look on his face surely gave it away.

"You did not have that lil girl over my place, fucking her and you're fucking Nova? What the hell, bro? I thought you said Nova was different?"

"She is! And I didn't...I'm not..." How was he going to explain to his sister he was not having sex with Nova, he had not had sex with Starchima... at least, not in the way she was thinking, and that it was all a mistake.

"Duh, duh, duh bro. You never stutter. Not when it comes to breaking girls' hearts all while you fuck their brains out. Listen, you're grown, do whatever the hell you want, but the shit is foul and I don't like it. I'm dating her sister now, and what the hell am I supposed to say to her about your side hoe?"

"It's not like that! Damn Dav, shut the fuck up and listen. I didn't fuck Star...she just sucked my dick."

"Aaaa!" She threw her hands up in the air, extra dramatic style. "Oh, that makes it sooo different! Sorry, my bad, you're not a lowdown, dirty cheater who only thinks of himself not the woman he claims he cares for. Not the woman you came all the way back to St. Louis for. Fucking asshole!" She stormed out of the room.

He followed his sister out into the hallway. "You can't tell Noelle. Don't do it, sis."

"Fuck you!"

"Sis, come on, have my back on this. It was a mistake. You know I love Nova."

"Fuck you know about love, bro? That ain't it. And you know what, I want no part of it. Leave!"


"You heard what the fuck I just said."

"You're taking this too damn far. What the hell Dav, it's a blowjob. No big deal."

She turned to him and pushed him in the chest. "Then tell Nova."

He would never do that.

"Just what I figured," she said. "Go, stay with Mom, she looked the other way when you were being a male hoe. Boy, bye!"

That was true. His mother let him do whatever he wanted. She let their father do whatever when they were married. When it came to Starchina she was strict as hell. He knew it was wrong, but he never complained. He should have stood up for Davina more.

"Come on Davina, I like staying here. We get to hang and talk and clown and-"

"Save the drama for your momma, bye!" She went into her room and slammed the door in his face.

His sister was serious. She was wrong, but she was serious about kicking him out. He turned to go to his room and let her calm down. She opened the door and came out of the room.

"Oh, and I set up a sit down with Aida. She wants to work things out and not go to court. You may have won this one."

She turned around, went back into her room, and slammed the door again.

He was having a fucking day!

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