Chapter 37

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She was not asleep, only pretending.

She heard what Malik asked. He wanted her to move to Los Angeles. That was more than an invite she wanted, so now she was faced with a dilemma. Leave everything behind she knew and loved in St. Louis, her friends, family, and job, for a life with Malik wherever that would take her?

Hollywood, L.A., Atlanta, or back to New York, among the rich and famous? Actors doing something that she once loved to do but could now only teach.

Who was she fooling, she could never be someone like Zendaya, because look at her.

Maybe going to the reunion was a bad idea. She could stay at home and sulk. Decide if she was going to tell Malik yes she wanted to move to L.A. with him, or tell him the truth. There was no way a relationship between them could work and break it off with him.

She needed a boost of confidence.

She left Malik a note that she would be back later, and then dressed quickly and tiptoed out of the apartment early. She didn't know where she was going, so she simply drove around the city. Why was this so hard, being with Malik? When she was with Carter, it was a different kind of hard, but not this way.

Maybe that's why it wasn't real love with Carter, she did not feel so torn about ending things.

She loved Malik. She knew it was love. She loved everything about the man, except his past. She wanted to be with him more than anything. She wanted to wake up next to him every morning and go to bed in his arms every night. She didn't want to be without him.

She made her way to her sister's place and sat in the car for a moment. She checked her phone, no calls or texts from Malik, which meant he was still asleep.

She made her way to her sister's door and knocked.

"What the hell are you doing here so goddamn early on a Friday?" That was the first thing her sister said to her when she opened the door as she stood there in bare feet, rumpled men's boxers, and a tank top showing her skinny arms and all her tattoos.

"I'm having a crisis with Malik! I just left him at my place and I...I don't know what to do. I don't know what's going to happen to us and I'm in a panic." About to cry again, her sister grabbed her in a hug. That did not help, she started crying anyway. "Noelle, I love him so much I don't want to lose him again."

"Then you won't."

"Hey, what's going on?"

It was Davina, standing there in one of her sister's tee shirts and nothing else. Her messy curls looked as if they were up all night with no care in the world. She felt like a fool for interrupting them.

"I'm sorry, I will leave-"

"You will not! Sit!" her younger sister demanded her. "Sit down and calm yo ass down. I'll make coffee."

She obeyed and walked to the small, second-hand couch she helped her sister buy at the thrift store. It was a stark contrast from all her nice, new, expensive things. Things she barely could afford if it was not for Carter's help. How could she judge Malik for his past, when she had a not so long ago past she kept hidden from him?

"What's going on?" Davina asked Noelle in a hushed tone as they went into her small little kitchen that was two steps away from the tiny living room.

The apartment was the size of a stamp. Very tiny, but since Noelle did not care for flashy things, she loved the place. Old, used furniture that did not match or coordinate, and no decor hanging on the faded, tan walls. She wondered if Davina was okay with the place, even though she came from money, had money, and as a soon-to-be lawyer, would make a lot of money.

"Oh, hey," Davina said, finally coming into the living room with her. "Good morning. How are you, Nova?"

"Okay, I guess."

"My brother. I know this has something to do with that asshole. Did he finally tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"About..." Davina gave her a look, then turned back to Noelle. "Nothing. You look like you need to talk, that's why you came to see your sister. You can talk to me as well, we're practically family."

"Yeah, but you're Malik's sister."

"But we've been friends too."

"Yeah, I'm finding I really don't have the friends I thought I had."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Davina sat on the smaller couch, grabbed a pillow, and hugged it to her knees as she curled up and got comfortable.

"Well..." She didn't know about telling Davina anything, but then again, she needed someone to help her out. " around in high school. Our reunion is this weekend and I am sure girls will come out of the woodwork telling me how they did this and that with him once they see us together."

"Aw shit!" Noelle said as she walked over to her with a cup of coffee. "Oops, my bad! I didn't mean it like that."

Noelle sat next to Davina and wrapped her arms around her shoulder. They looked so cute together. She hoped they could do better than her and Malik.

"Malik doesn't even want to go, I'm forcing him to go. Anyway...I uh...have something I haven't told him about myself. And if I tell him, I don't know if he will even want to still be with me."

"Ooooo, deets!" Noelle said.

"No! No!" Davina yelled out. "You two need to talk and both get the secrets out. Don't tell us. Tell him! Sheesh! And you two are the older siblings. Can't tell by how childish you act."

That was very rude of Davina to say. Also, may be correct.

"Talk, use your words, and talk to each other. Communication is key. Both of y'all claim to be so in love but do stupid ass shit. If it's meant for you two to be together, work that shit out. Forgive, forget, and move on."

"Damn, my baby so smart." Noelle kissed Davina.

She had no more to say to them and seeing them all kissy-faced made her miss Malik and his kisses. She sat with them a little while longer, talking about the reunion, then she headed out. She already made plans to have her hair done, which could take all day, so she headed that way.

Malik called her as soon as she made it to the braid shop.

"Nova, what's up? Why did you leave without waking me up first?"

"Sorry, I just went to see my sister and now I have my hair appointment."

"That means I probably won't see you today. I'm picking up Anthony and checking into our hotel. I have some things planned for us, but when you're done if you want to join-"

"No, you bond with your son, I'll see you later."

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too."

Well, she did, and she decided she would fight for him, and move to L.A. if that was what it took.

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