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Basic Information.

Name: Y/N.

Last Name: Morningstar.

Hero name: Noctis.

Height: 6'2

Hair color: Black

Personality: Y/N is a smart and cunning young man. He is respectful and kind to the people he appreciates and to the people who are kind to him. But with enemies it is brutal. He is a quiet young man who loves combat and loves his family and will not hesitate to break ribs if it comes to the common good.


-Great Physical Condition: Higher than Dick Grayson, lower than Bruce Wayne

-Master Martial Arts: Y/N is an elite combatant trained by Batman since he was a small child.

-Detective Skills: Because his father is the greatest detective in the world, Y/N was educated in the detective art from a young age.

-Peak Human Reflexes: Y/N can evade several attacks to a degree and dodge multiple rapid gunfire bullets at near point blank range. He has reflexes so good that they can even be considered inhuman.

-High level of intellect: Being raised by Bruce Wayne, Y/N has shown her genius nature in many diverse areas. He is not as intelligent as his father Bruce Wayne, but has shown his own high intellect.



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Y/N comes from a high-class family, or at least one that used to be. When Y/N was a baby, the Morningstar family, once part of Gotham's elite, was already nearly extinct. It had been nearly half a century since they lost their fortune and renown, and now they were simply a moderately well-off family.

Y/N lost his parents at a very young age due to a severe illness. Y/N had no siblings and few remaining relatives due to the family's dwindling numbers. He lived for a time with his maternal aunt, the only somewhat young person left in the family who could take care of him. Unfortunately, when Y/N turned 11, his aunt also passed away due to a lung infection. By then, the family was practically extinct, and Y/N had nothing. It was then that the head of an old family friend found him—Bruce Wayne.

The Waynes and the Morningstars had once had a close friendship, and it was at the funeral of Y/N's grandfather, the head of the family, where Bruce met the 11-year-old child. He was quickly intrigued by Y/N and, upon learning of his orphaned status, decided to adopt him. This would help the talented child to bond with Bruce Wayne's newly adopted son, 12-year-old Richard Grayson, who had also recently lost his parents. Bruce thought it would be a great idea as they could support and keep each other company.

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