Chapter 3

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Midoryia's POV

"Akutagawa, put him down."Dazai said in the most demanding voice ever. Akutugawa did obey and put Kacchan down, why does he listen to Dazai's demands?

"Detention for all of you, but I won't be deducting any class points because I enjoyed it too."The bulky teacher said, so if he likes it then he does it? He likes watching us get exposed like this? Talk about being a bad teacher.

Time Skip

Chuuya's POV

Finally school is over, but we have detention on the exact day where I have no more missions, my luck. "All of you can leave detention together if one of you manages to get this key that unlocks the door."Sir said, waving a silver key in our faces. It's already 7 pm since the Class 1A weirdos keep interpreting the class because they can't understand simple things and now we have to stay behind for class then have detention. I already hate them.

"Chibiko, go fetch it, be a good doggie."Dazai said, for the last time I'm not his dog. "I'm not your fucking dog."I said, standing up, I flew up and darted down to get the key. Shit, sir's gone. Nikola used his ability and tried to grab the key from Sir, he disappeared again, fuck it. The tape guy from class 1A tried to get the key by using his tape, of course he failed.

Akutagawa tied Sir with Rashomon, the moment he let go Atsushi grabbed the key. We screamed and left. "Does anybody want to go to the bar?"Nikola asked everyone. "Why not,"Dazai replied. "The legal age to drink is 18."Straighlace, a blue haired boy, said. "The legal age here is 14." I replied. "But still drinking too young is unhealthy."Midoryia protested. "Have you tried drinking? No. so how would you know?"I said, everybody agreed to go to the bar. We all got in Poe's car, the rich boy. His car is black and huge, he doesn't like driving so Dazai's the one who drives. Matter of fact he drives manically. The 1A kids came with us too since they aren't allowed to leave us.

There's a small bar called Lupin nearby, rarely anybody goes there (Oda doesn't exist in this au). Dazai drove even more insanely than usual, the car was an inch from crashing.

After loads of screams and whimpers from the 1A kids we arrived at the bar. "Order as you please, I'll pay."I announced, handing the bartender a stack of cash. "This should be enough right?"I asked, there should be at least a million inside. He nodded. "Holy, where do you get so much cash?"Kaminari asked, I missed him, ever since he went on that undercover mission, everything has been so boring. He is definitely trying to flex all the money I have at the 1A kids. "This isn't even a tenth of what I have, I'm rich you know."I said, smirking, they gave the best reactions ever. Kaminari seemed satisfied too.

"What do you mean that isn't a lot of money?"Pink cheeks said, shocked, she must be broke or something. I left them and joined in ordering whatever we wanted. "A whiskey shot please." He handed me a shot, and I drank it without hesitation. "Another please."I said, my alcohol tolerance is rather high. I can drink 9 shots without going drunk. "You all stop, why are you all taking so many shots?"Pink girl asked, concerned. "This isn't half of what we drink, join us. It's nice."I said, taking another shot. "Of course no-"Red hair boy said, stopping when he saw half and half walk up and ask for sake. The bartender handed him a small bottle of sake and an even smaller cup. He sat next to me and Dazai, and he drank it slowly and elegantly. "Todoroki what are you doing?"Broccoli boy said, looking like he just lost his friend or something.

"Well I always wanted to try."Half and half replied, taking another sip. "Oi, one more."I said, and he handed it to me. "Whoever finishes this has to do the other person a favour."Dazai said, he had a shot too. "You're on." We both drank, shit he's almost done. He finished a moment before me. "You have to buy me a lot of crab now."He said laughing. "Another shot for me and him." I said, he gave each of us one. "Again." We both drank, yes I won. "Now I don't owe you crab."

"That was your fourth shot Nakahara and your eighth Dazai." Pink girl said, her jaw dropped. Dazai doesn't get drunk probably due to drinking poison and alcohol too much. "We both have high alcohol tolerance."Dazai said, taking his ninth shot. Todoroki looked at him blankly. "Bakugo join me."He said plainly. "HELL NO."Blasty said, still sitting next to him. "A cup of vodka for Blasty please. And one for me. Oh and one for Chibi."Dazai said, does he want to get all of us drunk or something? He handed all of us a cup of vodka. Blasty drank it without hesitation, and a few of his friends joined him. Pinky, red hair, tape boy, Jiro and Kaminari. Seems like he has a lot of influence in this class. They each ordered a cocktail and a few of them ordered shots. I swear they'll all get drunk.

When midnight struck, we all decided to go back. Fifteen of us were knocked out, five talked random shit and eight couldn't walk in a straight line. Nine of them were from 1A, including Blasty, pinky, tape guy, pink cheeks, broccoli boy, Kaminari, invisible girl, glitter boy and red haired boy. Though Kaminari is definitely acting, from what I know he never gets drunk.

I used for the tainted sorrow on the ones who couldn't move or got knocked out. Dazai and Fydor are talking to the ones babbling random shit, probably to get them to spill their secrets.

Since Dazai's too busy, Ranpo is driving. I have never seen him drive and matter of fact nobody here has a licence. The drunk ones are in the back of the car.

While we drove back, a few police came over, shit. The police cars were chasing us, Dazai jumped into the front seat and pushed Ranpo back since we were driving after drinking and without a licence. Imagine how much trouble we'll get in. Dazai out runned the police several times, he's our only hope.

He drove at the fastest speed, going from left to right. The whole car is shaky, I could still see the police cars behind us. I used my ability and sent the car flying, the 1A kids of course screamed like crazy. We landed in front of the dorm. The hobo looking and colourful teacher stood outside of the dorm waiting for us or something.

"Why did you fly back?"Hobo teacher asked. "Too run from the police duh."Nikola said, acting as if it's normal. "Your kids have real damn bad alcohol tolerance. One of them had five shots then already passed out."Dazia said, rolling his eyes. "You brought them to the bar? That's illegal,"the colourful dude said. "The age to drink here is 14."I replied. "Then why were you being chased by the police."Hobo guy asked. "You do realise half of this class is in the mafia or terrorists, and also we were driving drunk and without a licence."I said.

Thanks for reading, I'm super grateful to the nine readers. :)

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