Chapter 4

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He looked at me speechless, I used For the Tainted Sorrow on all the drunk people. Laying them on the floor inside of the dorm.

"By the way if they don't wake up by tomorrow morning, they will still have to go with us on the mission but you'll be carrying them so try your best to wake them up. The first mission is two hours away."Dazai said, smiling before jumping on his bed. Then starting his homework. "Tomorrow is a holiday because of Easter. (Their easter holiday is like 5 days)."I said before lying down next to Dazai because we share a bed due to those 1A kids.

Aizawa's POV

They brought 15 year olds to a bar? How will I wake them up within 2 hours? I tried shouting in their ears. That didn't work, I sat beside them and All might. "So what did Yosano mean when she said she saved you?"I asked, how did a child save the number one hero?

"Well in my prime I actually went to Yokohama once...

All might's Tale

At the border, I tried punching a hole, but that didn't work. I searched in the border for a dent or hole, anything like that. I had to save the citizens in this city, that's what I thought. A young boy at the age of eight or below came over, his eyes were emotionless, dead. He didn't say anything, he simply touched the border making a small hole just enough for me to crawl in. He didn't say anything, the moment I got in he left. I was in Yokohama, a city ruled by villains.

As I walked deeper into the city, I noticed 5 tall buildings in the heart of the city. The city appeared peaceful, no crime or anything at all. I walked around, I heard citizens gossip about how I look. Indeed everything here is quite plain, black and white mostly. When I walked closer I saw a huge hole or something, it's like a dent in the world. Once I walked closer I saw that it was slums, slums everywhere. It seemed like Yokohoma's poorest district.

I went in, the moment I was in a huge gang came over to me, they all held baseball bats and knives. I was prepared to be attacked but then they started screaming and running. "Ahh it's the sheep king, run it's the sheep."They screamed, they ran far far away. When I looked closer, the people that made an armed gang run were children. Children near that boy who let me in's age. A boy stood in front of the group of children. He has ginger hair and ocean blue eyes, and he wore a green jacket. They seemed like they lived in the slums, I had to save them. I walked closer to them.

"Move old man."The ginger said, he kicked my leg, I landed on my back. (Chuuya's kick should be stronger than All Might since he cutted steel with his kick) They continued to move forward, I went back in front of them. "You again? You don't seem to be from here."The girl with pink hair behind the ginger said she seemed to like to hug the ginger's arm. "Let me help you, I'll get you out of here."I said, smiling. He touched me and I floated into the air, isn't this supposed to be a quirkless city? He has quite a strong quirk, he made me land on the ground, that really hurted.

"Hah, that's what he gets for messing with the Sheep King."One of the gang members said, the one who ran from those kids. I tried to move towards them again but the white haired boy said "Don't move any closer." The ginger has three knives in the air rushing towards me, I thought he would stop and be too scared to actually murder but he did. Those three knives landed in my vital organs, he had the intent to kill. I tried to pull the knives out, it didn't come out damn it. I was on the verge of death, those kids just walked like nothing happened. They just have been brainwashed. It's not their fault.

The moment I thought I was about to die, two figures appeared in front of me. A girl at the age of eleven perhaps and the boy who let me in, butterflies appeared. The knives disappeared, I stopped bleeding too. "The number one hero is so weak."The purple haired girl said, kicking my head to see if I'm conscious. "I agree."The boy said, snapping his fingers. Five men appeared, they tied me up and dragged me to the five buildings. The girl kept mocking me on the way there, the boy just nodded or agreed.

They dragged me to a chamber, there were knives everywhere, blood too. They tied my arms to the wall, and a pink haired girl appeared. She had to be thirteen or younger. "Goodbye Koyo-Kun, have fun."The purple haired girl said, waving. "Call me when you're done, I'll wait here."The boy with bandages all over him said, bowing slightly.

The purple haired left the chamber, the boy stood near the entrance. He closed the door and locked it. The girl took a knife and cut my arm, then stabbed my thigh. She slowly carved L on my neck (The scar is now gone thanks to Recovery Girl). She chuckled and cut my hair, then threw it in my face. She quickly cut my cheek, I let out a loud scream. She laughed, the elegant sensation coming from her is now gone. It's like the monster inside her is let out, she laughed insanely. Her eyes darkened, then peeled a whole lot of my skin off, I kept on screaming, the sharp pain never disappeared for years.

How does the boy just watch this happen, he didn't blink or anything, he just watched emotionlessly. "Dazai-kun, do you want to join me?"The pink haired girl asked, smiling maniacally. "If you insist,"He said, grabbing a knife from the ground. Him and the pink haired girl continued for fifteen minutes. The boy never laughed, or showed any emotions at all. It's like he doesn't feel anything at all.

"Dazai-Kun, can I please have more fun myself again? I want to enjoy myself more."The pink haired girl said, turning to the boy again. The boy nodded and bowed slightly, he went back to the side of the door and stared at us emotionlessly. It's abnormal, everything about him, his eyes, his emotionlessness, the way he doesn't blink and how he can keep calm in such a situation.

After a few hours of this torture the pink haired girl decided she had enough 'fun'. "Dazai-Kun, send him back now."The pink haired girl said, exiting the chamber with a smile. The boy untied me from the wall then took the rope and tied my whole body together. He snapped his fingers again, two men came in and threw me into a sack. "This is your last warning to never come into Yokohama again, if you do the top ten heroes of your world's limbs will be scattered across Mustafu."He said, giving me the coldest glare ever, he shut the sack closed.

After what I presume thirty minutes, he opened the sack and threw me out of the border. "Stay out of Port Mafia territory." He said, closing the border. 

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