014. the howler

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"Welcome to Greenhouse Three, Second Years. Today, we will be re-potting Mandrakes. Now, who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake?" Professor Sprout asked.

Kimberly raised her hand confidently, her eyes meeting Professor Sprout's. "The Mandrake, or Mandragora, is a powerful restorative. It is used to return people who have been transfigured or cursed to their original state. It's also quite dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it," she recited, her voice clear and precise.

Professor Sprout nodded approvingly. "Excellent, Miss Snape. Five points to Ravenclaw for that detailed answer."

As Professor Sprout continued with the lesson, Draco Malfoy, who was standing at the back of the greenhouse, couldn't resist making a snide comment. "Of course, Kim knows everything. Must be easy when your dad's a professor," he whispered loudly enough for Kimberly to hear.

Kimberly clenched her jaw, trying to focus on Professor Sprout's instructions. She knew Draco was just trying to get under her skin, but it was working. She looks at him and shot him a withering glare.

"Now, as our mandrakes are still only seedlings, their cries won't kill you yet. But they could knock you out for several hours, which is why I have given each of you a pair of earmuffs for auditory protection. So, could you please put them on, right away? Quickly!" Kimberly quickly put her on. "Flaps tight down, and watch me closely. You grasp your mandrake firmly, you pull it sharply out the pot." she instructed, grasping one of the tufty plants before her and pulling it out of its pot.

Kimberly gasped. Instead of roots, a small, muddy, extremely ugly baby popped out of the earth, leaves growing right out of its head. The Mandrake's shrill cry filled the greenhouse, even through the earmuffs. Neville's eyes rolled back, and he fainted, collapsing to the ground with a soft thud.

"Honestly, Neville," she muttered, though her tone was more worried than annoyed.

"Hm. Looks as though Mr. Longbottom neglected his muffs." Professor Sprout exclaimed. Seamus furrowed his eyebrow and replied, "No, ma'am. He's just fainted."

"Very well. We'll just leave him then. Come now. Four to a tray, plenty of pots to go round." Professor Sprout announced.

As they began re-potting the Mandrakes, Draco continued to pester her. "Careful, Kim. Wouldn't want to embarrass yourself in front of the class. Wouldn't that be a shame?" he taunted, a smirk playing on his lips.

Ignoring him, Kimberly focused on her Mandrake, carefully lifting it from its pot and placing it into a new one. But Draco wouldn't let up. "Must be hard, being perfect all the time," he sneered, leaning closer.

Finally, Kimberly had enough. She straightened up and turned to face him, her eyes blazing. "You know, bleach boy, it must be exhausting for you, always trying to compensate for your insecurities by putting others down," she retorted, her voice cold and cutting.

Draco's smirk faltered, but he quickly recovered, his expression hardening. "Watch your mouth, Snape," he hissed, but the challenge in his eyes was met with Kimberly's unwavering stare.

Professor Sprout, noticing the tension, intervened. "Is there a problem here?" she asked, her eyes darting between Kimberly and Draco.

"No, Professor," Kimberly said quickly, turning back to her work. Draco muttered something under his breath but returned to his Mandrake.

The rest of the lesson passed uneventfully, but Kimberly could feel Draco's eyes on her, his presence a constant annoyance. By the time the class ended, she was more than ready to leave.

As they exited the greenhouse, Draco made one last snide comment. "Try not to let your perfect little world crumble, Kim," he said, his tone mocking.

Kimberly didn't bother responding this time. She simply walked away, her head held high, determined not to let Draco ruin her day any further.

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