Self Discovery? pt.2

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Travis walked into his room, closing the door behind him with a heavy sigh. The day had been its usual mix of boredom and frustration, and the constant teasing of Taylor had been a way to pass the time. He had always enjoyed getting under her skin, partly because it was easy and partly because he couldn't deny the strange, conflicting feelings he had for her. He didn't understand them fully, but he had a soft spot for her, hidden beneath his tough exterior.

He plopped onto his bed and glanced out the window, a routine he'd adopted over the years. His view into Taylor's room had always been a source of fascination for him. She was often there, seated at her desk, her attention absorbed in whatever she was working on. Sometimes, he'd catch her strumming her guitar, her concentration and passion evident in every chord. Taylor was beautiful in a way that seemed effortless and genuine, a stark contrast to the image he projected.

As he watched her now, he could see her setting up her space at her desk. She was wearing her usual comfortable clothes, her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail. The sight of her was calming, but today, there was something different about her. Taylor seemed more fidgety than usual, shifting frequently in her chair, her movements catching his eye.

Travis's curiosity was piqued. He leaned closer to the window, his heart racing slightly as he tried to understand what was happening. Taylor put on her headphones, and her focus seemed to shift entirely to her laptop. Travis's gaze lingered on her, appreciating the way the light from the screen illuminated her face. She looked serene, lost in whatever she was watching.

Then, as he observed her, Travis's attention was drawn to a more unusual development. Taylor's hand moved beneath her desk, and he watched, captivated, as she began to shift her position. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw her hand travel down to her shorts. He had never seen her act like this before. She pulled her shorts down, revealing more than he was used to seeing.

A mixture of shock and confusion washed over him. He had always seen Taylor as the innocent girl who kept to herself, never imagining that she might engage in something like this. His heart pounded in his chest as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing.

Travis's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and intrigue. He couldn't tear his eyes away, watching as Taylor seemed lost in her own world, her movements increasingly intense. He felt an unfamiliar tightness in his chest, a complicated blend of guilt and fascination. Part of him felt he was invading her privacy, but he couldn't help but be drawn to the scene before him.

As Taylor shifted her position, Travis noticed her adjusting her legs, spreading them slightly and placing them more comfortably on the chair. This new angle gave him a clearer view, and he felt a surge of arousal as his gaze followed her every movement. His breathing quickened, and he felt himself growing hard, a reaction he hadn't expected but couldn't deny.

A low groan escaped his lips as he struggled to process the scene. " Oh my god, taylor?" he muttered under his breath, the words a mix of shock and disbelief. His mind raced with conflicting thoughts and sensations. The sight of Taylor's fingers tracing circles over her cunt was almost too much to bear.

He could see the dampness on her panties, the evidence of her arousal making his pulse race. An involuntary thought crossed his mind, a fleeting, inappropriate curiosity about what her taste might be like. The thought made him shiver, a mix of guilt and desire clouding his judgment.

Then, as if amplifying his already overwhelmed senses, Taylor moved her panties aside. Travis's eyes widened in disbelief as he saw everything clearly for the first time. The full view was overwhelming, and he was hit by a wave of intense emotions, desire, confusion, and a deep sense of intrusion. He felt paralyzed, unable to tear his eyes away as the scene unfolded before him.

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