5: Train Fight

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A lot of reporters arrived in the cemetery since the announcement of Yakuza in the establishment, in Ichiro Yashida's funeral, they were all asking for any information about what happened, about the Yakuza, why the attacked and much more. Noburo was cleaning a wound in his right side of his head as he walked to his car with bodyguards waiting. Noburo goes to enter his car and bodyguards were pushing him to enter, but he looks at the reporters and decides to talk to them.

Noburo: (Japanese) This cowardly attack was the work of Yakuza thugs. A very violent response to my efforts to crack down an organized crime.

Yukio was by a cop car as she saw many paramedics enter the cemetery and many cops as well entering. Shingen was without his tuxedo walking out of the cemetery with one of his bodyguards.

Bodyguard #1: (Japanese) They exited through the north gate. She was with the American when they exited.

Shingen looked at the body guard who made a claw hand sign, more specifically a 3 claws hand sign, which made Shingen quite angry about it. Shingen then saw Harada walking towards him with his slightly bloodied tuxedo and still having his bow and arrow in hand.

Shingen: (Japanese) We'll discuss more of this later.

Shingen walked to Harada who looked fairly pissed and annoyed.

Shingen: (Japanese) You let them escape.

Harada: (Japanese) You did first. Mariko is now with the foreigner, more precisely, a Mutant, an animal that you didn't tame. Take in mind that you called me to keep an eye on him, now your daughter is with an animal, unprotected, and far away. I'm taking measures into my own hands.

Shingen: (Japanese) You will do no such thing.

Harada glares at Shingen, standing tall over him scoffing.

Harada: (Japanese) Watch me.

Harada walks away from Shingen who kept a frown, until he looks at Yukio who was talking to his girlfriend/wife. In slight anger, he walks towards Yukio, and pulls her by her shoulder to look at him.

Shingen: (Japanese) Your foreigner friend, where is he?

Yukio: (Japanese and smirking) Last time I saw he was protecting your daughter.

Shingen disgusted smirked at her, and then leaned to her ear and whispered some awful words.

Shingen: (Japanese) You're a toy doll. A companion for a child who has outgrown you. (looks at her eye to eye) Keep that in mind.

Yukio after that said nothing, though she was in the verge of crying at those words, something Shingen did not care.

Shingen: (to his girlfriend/wife in Japanese) Hey, let's move.

The woman hesitated but nodded and walked away with Shingen, leaving Yukio with her own thoughts about what he said, which did hurt her a lot.

In the bullet train

Mariko was looking out of the window, meanwhile Y/N who was still leaning in the chair very comfortable and genuinely very relaxed, even in the state that he was, he could feel his body healing but it was healing very slowly, he was healing normally... like a normal person, very human.

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