Guardian Angel - Pt II

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Summary: The guys devise a plan to find you, and they do, but you arent the same person they knew.

Note: as requested by @meliaaaxoxo and @iliaaaaaaneedsmarvel here is Pt II!!

sTrAp iN bOyS its a long one!!


Bucky furrowed his brow at Zemo's statement. He didn't like the idea of using you as bait. "And what do you suppose that could be?" Bucky asked, skeptically. Zemo had smirked, his eyes glinting mischievously. "You, Barnes. We use you."

Bucky's expression grew even more skeptical, and Sam shared a similar expression. "You want to use me as bait?" Bucky said, not convinced. Zemo nodded "Exactly. If you're right and she is the former Avenger we think she is, she won't be able to resist coming out of hiding if you are in danger." He explained. Bucky was not thrilled about the idea, but he could see the logic in Zemo's plan. Sam looked at Bucky, knowing that he wasn't thrilled about the idea. He understood why Bucky was hesitant, but he also saw the logic behind Zemo's plan. "He's got a point," Sam reluctantly admitted. "But we need a way to get her to come out without putting you in real danger."

Zemo smirked again "Ah, but that's the beauty of it, she won't know it's a trap. She will think that you are in danger and will want to make her move. That's when we'll catch her." Zemo explained. Bucky was still not convinced. "I still don't like the idea of being used as bait." He said firmly. Sam put a hand on Bucky's shoulder. "I know it's not ideal, but it's the best plan we have right now." Bucky let out a frustrated sigh, hating that Sam was right "Fine, but if anything goes wrong, I'm blaming both of you." Bucky said, pointing at both Zemo and Sam. Zemo chuckled lightly, enjoying Bucky's annoyance. He knew that Bucky would agree, despite his grumbling. "Don't worry, Barnes. We'll make sure everything goes to plan." Zemo assured, giving Bucky a sly grin. They went back to Madripoor on Zemo's private jet, much to Bucky's annoyance.

Once they arrived in Madripoor, they set up their plan. Bucky was out in the open making himself a target. Zemo and Sam were watching from a distance, waiting for you to make your move. Bucky felt uneasy, standing in the open, knowing he was a target. He was relying on you to come out of hiding and save him.

 You got news from your... sources, that there were new people in your territory. You looked at the pictures and saw Bucky, Sam and Zemo. Those idiots. You would think that after their last experience here, they would learn to not come back. You sighed, grabbing a few guns and a hoodie to save their asses if needed.

Bucky was still in the open, feeling more and more uncomfortable. Zemo was watching through binoculars, trying to see if anything was going to happen. Sam was standing nearby, keeping an eye out as well. Bucky fidgeted uncomfortably. "This is a stupid plan" he muttered to himself. Sam glanced at him, trying to reassure him. "Just stay calm, she'll show up." Just as you had been notified, Bounty Hunters in the area's phones began pinging and they were on the look out for Bucky, Sam and Zemo. 

Zemo continued to keep watch from a distance with binoculars. "Keep your eyes peeled," he reminded Sam. Bucky could feel his heart racing as time went on. He was starting to doubt the plan, but he couldn't back out now. Suddenly, Zemo's voice came in over the comms. "Bucky, movement behind you. Ten o'clock." Bucky tensed, trying to stay calm, as he slowly turned to look over his shoulder. A bounty hunter raised his gun but was quickly shot through the head by none other than his Guardian Angel. They couldn't make out where the bullet came from yet though. Bucky breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that you had shown up. Sam and Zemo were watching from afar, also relieved that you had arrived. They exchanged a glance, realizing that the plan was working. "She's here," Sam said, looking through his binoculars to see if he could spot you. "Stay sharp," Zemo replied, watching through his own binoculars. Bucky continued to stand in the open, knowing that you were nearby.

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