Guardian Angel - Pt I

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Summary: You were an ex-Avenger who helped Sam, Zemo and Bucky from being shot in Madripoor, then disappeared.

Note: Sam, Zemo and Bucky need to be on screen together again. Please Marvel. 


You were in Madripoor when Zemo, Sam, and Bucky were too. Bucky made a scene in O'Donnel's bar, everyone was shooting at the trio as they ran through the streets. Bucky was cornered in an alley with people that had their guns raised at him. They were about to shoot but someone in a dark hood shot them first in a nearby abandoned building. The men fell dead and the person vanished. You were the person who shot them dead. Bucky was stunned, he had never seen anyone with such impressive skills. Zemo entered the alley a few moments later

"Seems like you have a guardian angel" Zemo said to them.After you shot the men who tried killing Bucky, you glanced at Zemo and Bucky from under your hood and ran. You noticed that Sam too was trailing you from above. He was flying over you as you ran. Bucky was chasing you from the ground and Zemo had disappeared.

Bucky quickly ran through the alleyways. You were faster and more agile since you knew the layout of the town but he had some level of endurance since the serum was in him. Sam was also flying behind the two, trying to keep track of where you all went. You saw that Bucky was catching up and that Sam was still flying over head but he was getting farther and farther. You needed to lose them quickly. You pulled off your hoodie, removing your hair from the updo it was in and hiking up your skirt to blend in with the party-goers of Madripoor. You disappeared into a crowd of drunk men and women all enjoying a party.

Bucky was close behind on your trail. He scanned the crowd of drunk people looking for you in the crowd but you had disappeared. No sign of you to be found. Bucky huffed in annoyance. There was no way you got away, not when he was so close. He tried to figure out where you could've went when he felt tapped on the shoulder to see Sam there. He looked back at Sam who gave him a small smirk. "Don't give me that look, Wilson." Bucky said, annoyed."I told you she was good." Sam said, smugly "That's not the point." Bucky retorted. "Seems pretty on point to me." Sam said. "Where do you think she went?" Bucky said, scanning the area.

"No idea." Sam said, folding his arms. Bucky grunted in irritation. "We need to find her, she could be working for the Power Broker." Bucky said "Maybe, but she did just save your damn life." Sam pointed out. Bucky rolled his eyes at that "Doesn't mean she's an ally." "Doesn't mean she's an enemy either." Sam retorted, Bucky gave him a look "You're just curious to know who this girl is, aren't you?" Bucky said, knowing he was right. "Damn straight, she just shot those men like they were nothing. I want to know who this mysterious girl is." Sam admitted. Little did they know that it was you, a former Avenger who had to go on the run after the whole Sokovia Accords issue. 

Bucky glanced around the area, still no sign of you. "I'm starting to think she did get away." Bucky commented "Oh now you think she got away? You said she couldn't have gotten away." Sam said, giving Bucky a look "It's just a comment, Wilson. Don't get smart with me." Bucky said, walking out of the crowd. Sam followed him "I'm always smart, Barnes." "Can it." Bucky said, not in the mood for Sam's smartass comments. "You're just pissed because that girl got the best of you." Sam pointed. Even though Bucky hated to admit it, he was right "Oh? And you're just mad that you couldn't keep up." Bucky fired back. Their bickering went on until they realized Zemo was gone. 

Bucky and Sam looked around and saw that Zemo was nowhere to be seen "Where the hell did Zemo go?" Bucky said in annoyance "Damn it! We lost him." Sam said, looking around for a sign of him "Great, lost the girl and Zemo. We really need to work on how to keep track of people." "You think?" Bucky said sarcastically. They couldn't find Zemo anywhere. This day was becoming more of a disaster, and Bucky was not happy about it. They needed to regroup and figure out what to do next. Suddenly they heard someone clearing their throat behind them. They turned around to see none other than Zemo himself, standing there, hands in his pockets. "You boys lose someone?" He said, trying to hide the amused look on his face.

Bucky rolled his eyes at Zemo's appearance and Sam looked visibly frustrated. "You're not funny." Bucky said, annoyed "I'm hilarious" Zemo stated, a smirk on his face. "Where the hell were you?" Sam asked, crossing his arms. Zemo held up the black hoodie you had previously thrown on the ground. "Unlike you two, I was actually looking for the Guardian Angel" He said, smirking. Bucky's eyes widened at the realization that Zemo had your hoodie. Bucky furrowed his brow, looking at the hoodie Zemo was holding. He took it from him and inspected it, noticing the bullet holes on the back. "That's hers?" Bucky said, looking over at Zemo who shrugged. "Seems like it, it did have bullet holes in it" Zemo said, looking at the hoodie as well. Sam took the hoodie and examined it for a moment before looking up at Bucky and Zemo "So you're telling me that she shot all those men dead, and then proceeded to ditch us in her hoodie?"

Bucky looked at Sam and nodded in confirmation, he was annoyed that you had managed to get away from them so easily. Zemo chuckled lightly, finding the entire situation amusing. "It seems that way." He said, a small smirk on his face. "What are you laughing about?" Bucky asked, annoyed by Zemo's amusement. "Oh nothing, it's just amusing that this mysterious Guardian Angel managed to get away so easily." Zemo replied, still smirking. Bucky rolled his eyes. He hated when Zemo found amusement in his failures. "Yeah well, it's annoying. I had her right where I wanted and she got away." Bucky grumbled, folding his arms. Sam sighed, still holding the hoodie in his hands "She's a slippery one, that's for sure"

Zemo chuckled again "Well, you have to admit, it's quite impressive that she managed to get the best of the Winter Soldier." He stated, a small smirk on his face. Bucky didn't want to admit it but Zemo was right. You had gotten the better of him and it was frustrating. He grunted in annoyance. 

Days had passed since the incident in Madripoor. Bucky, Sam and Zemo had tried to find more information on you but kept failing. Sam grew more and more excited the more they found nothing about who you were. Zemo, on the other hand, was amused but also curious about you. Bucky was irritated, he was determined to find you but nothing had turned up so far. They were back in Sam's apartment in Louisiana, trying to find more information but with little luck.

Bucky was sitting at the small table in Sam's apartment, looking over different files and folders for any information regarding you. He rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache coming on. "Anything yet?" Sam asked, looking over at Bucky, who shook his head in response. Sam sighed, leaning back on a wall. Zemo was sitting in a chair, casually sipping a cup of tea. "You ever heard of the words, "Hiding in plain sight?" He said, setting his cup down. Sam and Bucky looked at him in confusion. "Whatever you're trying to say, spit it out." Bucky said to him. Zemo sighed. "What if the reason she doesn't want you to know who she is, is because you already know her." He says, holding up your SHIELD file back from the Avengers.

Bucky and Sam furrowed their brows at Zemo's statement. "What do you mean?" Sam asked, as Bucky looked down at the SHIELD file. Zemo raised an eyebrow "Think about it." Zemo stated, leaning back in his chair. Bucky pondered for a moment and then it hit him. "The way she fought, the way she moved, it was familiar." Bucky said to Sam who also realized it. "Y/N disappeared after the Accords. There is a possibility..." Sam said. Zemo smirked at Bucky's realization "It makes sense, doesn't it?" Zemo said, leaning forward in his chair. Bucky ran a hand through his hair, thinking about it. Is it possible that the guardian angel that had saved him in Madripoor was you? His former teammate? Zemo leaned back in his chair again, taking a sip of his tea. "Perhaps finding her won't be that hard after all" He said in an amused tone.

Bucky shot a look at Zemo. Part of him was excited to know that it was you, but another part was annoyed that Zemo seemed to enjoy teasing them. Sam, on the other hand, was excited to find you. He had wanted to find out who this mysterious girl was for days. "How do we find her, then? You said it would be easy." Sam said to Zemo. Zemo set down his teacup and leaned forward. "Simple. We give her something to come out of hiding for." Bucky furrowed his brow at Zemo's statement. He didn't like the idea of using you as bait. "And what do you suppose that could be?" Bucky asked, skeptically. Zemo had smirked, his eyes glinting mischievously. "You, Barnes. We use you."

CLIFFHANGER!! be continued??

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