I hate you - 2

119 8 2

Summary: You were the last person Bucky wanted to go on a undercover mission with.

You woke up, feeling a weight on your stomach and your neck feeling warm. You look down to see Bucky's arm draped around you, and his body pressed behind you, his breathing hitting your neck. Who knew the Winter Soldier was a sleep cuddler. Bigger question was, how did he get over the barrier you made?? You try getting up but his grip on you was too tight. Great. You poke his arm, then realising it was his metal arm, then resulted to poking his face. He grumbles and opens his eyes, immediately launching backwards when he realizes the position you both were in. "Nice sleep Barnes?" You tease and he goes red. "Yes, actually, I did get good sleep." This was his first time not getting a nightmare as he slept so he was pretty thankful for you. You get up off the bed to go get ready for the day.

Today was the day of the community dance thing, and you had been warned that these people go all out. As you go downstairs you see the 2 bags in which your outfits for tonight were chosen. You go further into the kitchen to see Bucky making pancakes. He had made your favorite, blueberry pancakes on purpose. He took note of a lot of your favorite things, like your favorite color and stuff like that. "I said I was going to cook next" you say, sliding into the barstool seat behind the counter. He grins. "Well if the princess didn't take so long getting ready, you could have. I was getting hungry" He says, putting a pancake on your plate. "Only one?" You say raising an eyebrow, and he sighs, turning around to put another 2 on the plate. You smile and dig in. "Great now I only have 2." He says, sitting down next to you. You grin and eat breakfast together, talking about what the plan was for tonight.

4 o clock rolled around and you began to get dressed up. You took the bag containing your dress to see what Nat said she would pick out for you. You open the bag to see a long black maxi dress with a V-neck that had some clear beading on it, making it look dewy. Nat had good taste. You look at the other contents of the bag, a pair of black heels and a silver clutch. There was a beautiful silver diamond pendant necklace, paired with similar earrings. You don't bother looking at Bucky's outfit and head upstairs to go change. You put the stuff on and put your hair into a elegant ponytail, before wearing makeup and the jewellery.

You walk down at around 5, and see Bucky waiting on the couch in his outfit, a black dress shirt and black jeans. Of course this man was under dressed. But he did look good in it so who cares. His jaw slightly drops as he sees you dressed up, but he quickly hides it. "You ready to go?" He says, clearing his throat and getting up. You nod and grab your clutch. As you step out of the house, Bucky grabs your hand and leads you to your car. The venue was only a 5 minute drive. Wow these people go all out for neighbourhood parties. You reach there and strap a gun to your holster on your thigh before getting out and linking arms with Bucky.

Yep these people were rich-rich. The place had been decorated and people were filing in. You scan the room for the Burton's and spot them talking to some people, most likely welcoming them. They seemed to be the centre of the community. They spot you, or rather Annabelle spots Bucky and walks over with Joseph in tow. "Hey there! So glad you could make it!" She says once again, checking out Bucky. Gosh this woman couldn't be any less obvious. Bucky squirms a bit under her gaze and you wrap your arm around his waist to pull yourself closer. "Thank you! This is a great venue!" You say looking around. What it actually was, was a good drop site. It had many small rooms and a garage at the back and was open. Perfect for weapon's dealing. Annabelle smiles. "Well have a great night." She says walking off with Joseph. You catch a glimpse of a tattoo on his neck.

"Bucky" you tug on Buckys arm. "Hmm?" He says looking down at you. "Doesn't a black circle with crosses around it and a cross in the middle sign it to the arms dealer we're investigating??" You say as Bucky visualises it. "Yeah that's what they stamp the cases and boxes with." He says. "Joseph had that. Tattooed on his neck." You say. That confirmed they were definitely working in dealing. For the rest of the night, you kept an eye on them, seeing who they interacted with the most and where they went off to. Bucky taps your shoulder and hands you a glass of champagne and you smile and take it. "Look," you say nodding over to them. They were headed off somewhere in the venue, presumably to do the deal. "Let's go" Bucky says and you put down your glass to go follow them.

They went into a back room where there were 2 guys waiting. You stood back and listened to their conversation. "We have what you asked for." You heard Joseph say. "Good. We have the money" they talked about the specifications of the weapons and you recorded it all, when suddenly they began heading out to the hall you two were in. Shit. "Bucky." You whisper yell. He looks down at you. "Kiss me" you say. "What??" Ge says, shocked. "Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable." You explain quickly. "Yes, they do!" He says, and you can hear them approaching. You grab his head and smash his lips to yours as his hands gingerly wrap around your waist. You hear them walking past, and out of the corner of your eye you see one of them eyeing you guys. But no suspicions. Thank God.

You pull away, and Bucky's cheeks were slightly flushed from the kiss. "You still uncomfortable?" You ask, following them. "That's not exactly the word I would use." He says, following you. (Bonus points if someone comments the movie that scene is from) You turn on your comm and signal that you needed backup and that the deal was happening now. The tac team got back to you instantly, saying they would handle it quietly, and that they didn't want to make a scene with all these families around. They told us to enjoy the rest of the night and that the QuinJet would pick us up tomorrow. You guys walk back to the main party and Bucky was still slightly flustered. Cute.

A slow song plays and Bucky asks if you want to dance. It was your turn to be flustered now, but you say yes and Bucky leads you to the dance floor, where you take his hand and dance together. You weren't surprised he could dance well, him being from the 40's and all, so you both swayed together, gazing into each other's eyes. A few days ago you would have probably vomited at the thought of doing that, but it felt so right. Bucky leans in and kisses you softly and your cheeks heat up. You look back up at him and grin. "Maybe you aren't so bad Barnes." He smiles and you spend the rest of the night dancing and maybe kissing...

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