Inkfall x Reader |22|

37 1 0

You got dirty... Well to him at least.

Woo! Finally it's winter time in Inkopolis! The weather and snow is always so beautiful and just the right feeling of coldness!

It's perfect for cold walks! Barely anyone outside and the wind with the snow blowing through your... Tentacles..? Hair? Both? Uhh... Yeah.

You walked against the pavement and after walking for a good twentyish minutes you decided to go back home to your shared apartment.. The same apartment that you share with Inkfall! .... Sometimes it can be a blessing with a very very clean house... But also hell.

You opened the front door a closed it, taking your boots off before hearing a dramatic gasp.... Well you think it's dramatic at least.

"..... You're getting snow everywhere.."

Inkfall muttered. Here we go.
Before you could responded he immediately walked up to you before opening the door and pushing you outside..? WHAT THE HELL?? But instead of him leaving you outside like last time, he came out with you. Wiping off the snow from your shoulders..

".. Uh."

You mumbled which made him look up at you, his expression a grumpy one. He continued wiping the snow off and out of your shoulders.

"How can you be so carefree with this weather.. You always end up dirtying the house.."

He mumbled out while continuing to wipe the snow off of you, completely ignoring that the snow was also clinging to him a bit

"Oh sorry-"

You said in response.

"You say that all the time, but still manage to do it again..."

He paused and stopped wiping the snow from your shoulders, now looking up at you fully still with the grumpy expression.

"You say you don't mind the cold and that you like the snow, but look where it gets you every time!"

He said as he gestured lightly at you and him who had a bit of snow on him. You silently stared at him before pointing out he has snow on him too. He looked at you again and quickly looked down at himself, noticing the snow that clung onto his shoulders.

"Yes, I know, and who's fault is that?"

He said as he looked back up at you again. A look that read clearly as annoyance.


You were silent.

"You don't respond because you know I'm right."

He said, still looking at you with the annoyance. He was still wiping most of the snow from you, now looking at your face and hair.

The nerve! Ugh... At least he's helping. Kind of.

Word count- 453

Guys. I'm so stupid.
I was writing this and had to restart because I got confused and thought Half-Rimz was Inkfall ... IM SO STUPID BRO😭

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