Chapter 3

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Stiles comes back to the living room to set down the pizzas before walking back to the kitchen for drinks.

"Sti?!" Derek calls obvious question heavy on his voice and Stiles wants to just scream. "Yes honey?" He says instead.

"You get hungry on your way back from the door?" He asks playfully but Stiles is still kind of pissed. "I don't want to talk about it." He says and Derek still smiles at him and leans over to kiss him.

He hates when Derek is so nice to him even if Stiles is being a total asshole to him. But it also makes his heart flutter when Derek kisses him while he's frowning, or will hug him when he doesn't want to argue anymore because he hates yelling at Stiles.

It was totally different with Malia. She'd just get mad at him when he was upset and not even bother to ask him why. When they'd fought she'd just leave and ignore him before coming back and acting like nothing happened.

She was always flirting with other guys and would get mad if Stiles was just talking to a girl.

So when she moved to Denver that while ago he was more relieved than sad. Turns out it was the best thing ever because it helped him and Derek get together.

When he was in his room a couple of months later he saw she left one of her jackets and went to the Hale house to return it.

But when Derek answered the door all shirtless and tired looking with his bed hair he forgot why he came in the firstt place. He caught on to Stiles' staring and folded his arms against his chest and Stiles almost fainted at the rippling muscles.

"I'm guessing that belongs to Malia. Seeing that you might be the type of guy who wears red not pink." Derek says and it takes Stiles awhile to register what he says.

"Yea." He says weakly and obviously that was funny because Derek started laughing. Stiles looked up at him and died a little because his smile was gorgeous and his little chuckle seemed like the best sound at the moment.

"Would you like to come in?" Derek had asked once they were standing there for awhile. Stiles had nodded quickly and Derek laughed again at his eagerness.

Once they were inside Derek suggested they go to his room and watch a movie. Stiles knew what that meant but he nodded anyway.

They had went upstairs and Stiles walked into his room awkwardly looking around at all the baseball flags and posters and trophies.

"How long have you been playing?" Stiles asks Derek as he runs his fingers across one of the bigger trophies. He feels Derek come up behind him closely and he shivers at the sudden heat coming off of him.

"Since I was at least four maybe. It's one of my favorite things to do when I need to get my mind off things." He says and Stiles has to hold back another shiver because Derek is breathing on his neck softly.

Stiles closes his eyes when he feels Derek's fingers trace up his arms and lace their fingers together.

"Derek." He says for some reason unknown. Derek hums in answer and starts to place soft kisses on any piece of skin he can reach.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asks softly even though he's spinning him around to face him. "No." Stiles whispers and then Derek surges forward to kiss him and Stiles moans as Derek fucks his tongue into Stiles' mouth.

Derek leans down and pats the backs of Stiles' thighs, he gets the message and hops up to wrap his legs around Derek's waist.

Derek pushes him back into the dresser and kisses him ahrder and filthier if possible.

"You're gorgeous." Derek murmurs when he moves down to attack Stiles' neck. Stiles just moans louder when Derek spins them around onto the bed.

"You're perfect." Derek compliments again once he has Stiles completely naked. Stiles just leans up to kiss him again.

Derek breaks away first to grab the lube and a condom. "You're not a virgin are you?" He asks as he digs around for the lube in his nightstand.

"Nope." Stiles says as he traces Derek's sides. Derek looks back at him kind of shocked and amused. "What kind of freaky shit were you doing with my cousin?" This makes Stiles laugh and shake his head.

"I uh slept with Jackson Whittemore freshman year when we dated for awhile. But you know he moved to London." Stiles shrugs and Derek gives him a small smile before kissing him again when he finally finds the lube.

He kisses him so good that Stiles doesnmt even realize when Derek had three fingers in him. But when he does he moans loudly and begs Derek to get in him already.

"Okay Mr.Bossypants." He says amused and Stiles groans when he moves even slower.

He snatches the condom from Derek and rips it open with his teeth before rolling it on Derek himself.

This seems to take Derek by shock because he moans loudly and his breaths start to come out in pants.

After he gives himself a moment he spreads Stiles legs and leans forward to push into him.

The both groan at the feeling and Stiles' back arches crazily.

Derek smooths his hands across his torso and past his dusty pink nipples but not before giving them some attention. He settles his hands in Stiles' that are above his head and then leans down to kiss him before starting to pump his hips smoothly.

They're both writhing and moaning loudly and Derek picks up the pace. He knows this isn't going to last long for either of them and leans down to kiss Stiles.

He pulls away just in time to see Stiles come untouched onto his stomach and Derek comes from watching the beautiful sight that is Stiles.

After coming down from their highs Derek pulls ot and throws the condom into the trash can beside his bed.

"Shower?" He asks when they settle down enough. "How about a warm bath? Because I don't think I can stand." Stiles laughs and Derek laughs too an nods in agreement.

He's pulled out of his thoughts when he hears Derek calls his name. "Hmm, yea sorry I just was thinking." Stiles says and leans in to Derek when he scoots closer.

"About?" He eggs on and Stiles laughs at him. "About when I came to give Malia's sweater back and you invited me inside." He says and Derek hums in appreciation.

"Wanna go reminisce upstairs." Derek asks as he rubs his lips over Stiles neck. Stiles just nods and drga shim upstairs.

-woop woop i know i never right smut or whatever but how was it ? lol and what's one big thing y'all are planning to do this summer ? i'm going to disney world

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