Chapter 4

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It was the first Saturday of the month and that meant date night. Even though they spend almost every night and day together it was still their special day.

"So I was thinking arcade this time. Scott wants to double date but he doesn't know I'll probably make him take cheesy tumblr pictures." Stiles says while he watches Derek pick up stuff around his room.

"That could be nice. Don't we have enough cheesy tumblr pictures? Especially from when I took you to Disneyland." Derek asks and he almost steps on a tac. Probably the one Stiles dropped when he was tacking up the polaroids from their hiking trip last month.

Derek has a whole bulletin of Stiles and him, or just Stiles, hanging on his wall. It's getting full so he needs to find somewhere else to start tacking things.

He picks up the tac and puts it on his desk before finally plopping down on the bed.

Derek buries his face in Stiles' side and relaxes. When he's almost fallen asleep Stiles starts talking. "Maybe we could go to the store and get a bunch of junk food. Then come back here and just watch Netflix." He suggests and Derek hums in agreement but still doesn't move.

"Babe get up!" Stiles says and Derek groans but moves anyways.


Stiles is just throwibg things in the cart. Derek picks out some of the stuff and puts it back but it somehow ends up back in there.

"Can you go find some soda or something? You're killing me smalls." Stiles says and it's fond but still irritated.

Derek puts his hands up in surrender and walks away with a soft kiss to Stiles' lips, who just waves him off.


When he comes back from getting some soda he sees a girl with Stiles. His boyfriend's talking a mile a minute while the girl just looks at him with sex eyes.

Derek begins to think maybe he should punch the girl in the face, or even just shake up all his soda and "trip". But then he gets a better idea.

He struts over to where they are. She sees him before Stiles does and Derek grabs him by his hips and kisses him hard and long.

When he pulls away Stiles smirks and turns to the girl. "Derek have you met my cousin Rachel? Probably not. Rachel this is my retarded boyfriend Derek." Stiles says and she laughs and shakes his hand.

"Hi, I'm Derek the uh retarded boyfriend." He says with an awkward wave and an even more awkward smile.

"Well Rachel we have a movie night to get to so I'll see you later." Stiles grabs Derek's hand and walks towards the checkout.

They pay for everything and take it out to the car.

When Derek puts the last bag in and turns around to get the cart Stiles kisses him.

"Hello my jealous lover." He says when he pulls away and Derek rolls his eyes and tries to move before he's pulled back.

"Babe, you know it's only you right? That was funny but forreal. You are the only one for me okay? I got lucky with you and I don't think I'll ever get lucky like that again." Stiles says and Derek smiles and kisses him to reassure him that he knows.


Later they're curled up watching a million episodes of The Walking Dead.

Derek looks over to ask Stiles for a twizzler and sees him sleep. "I knew it would only be a matter of time." He says to himself and starts to put everything away.

Once he's got everything out of the way he pulls Stiles as close as possible to him.

"I'm the one who got lucky Stiles." Derek whispers into his ear and then finally closes his eyes.

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