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Robins Pov:

People will always tell you that there is an all time low, I just never thought I'd experience it myself. JJ is gone, but I refuse to believe that she's dead.

It's not fair. I finally had everything I wanted... which was her. But she just had to be taken from me.

I visit her mom sometimes, it isn't the same. The house feels empty even with people in it, the memories made with her feel cold.

Why does everything else feel like something but I feel nothing?

Finn isn't doing too well either, neither are all of JJ's other friends. Well, to be honest she didn't have many, but the ones she did have were everything to her. And she meant everything to them.

First off, 'Pinball' Vance hopper

He's absolutely fucked. He used to show up once a week, and that was the deal he made to JJ.

She'd supply him with quarters for the pinball game, only if he went to school at least one day out of the whole week.

Now she's gone, and he completely blew it. I don't think that he was doing well before she got taken, but now he's even worse.

Next, Bruce Yamada

The baseball kid. God don't even get me started on this guy. Straight A student, star baseball player, ladies' man, and overall perfect life.

Well that's also kinda gone to shit. He gets B's now and rarely puts any effort towards school anymore, he's drifted away from baseball, he snaps at any girl who walks up to him, and that "perfect life" is gone with JJ.

Then, Billy Showalter

Paperboy. Well he isn't any better, but he's not the worst, I'll get to him.

But Billy doesn't smile anymore, I've noticed it when he drops off the paper. His gloomy eyes when they land on JJ's house could bring anyone's mood down.

Not even his dog makes him smile. Everywhere he looks, he sees her. He lost his greatest friend of all time.

Next, Griffin Stagg?

Never seen this kid in real life. Didn't know he really existed when JJ would talk about him.

Poor kid.

No friends, or at least not since JJ went missing. He sits on his lawn watching the cars go by, I had to save him from a bunch of 15 year olds ganging up on him.

I talked to him for a minute, just about JJ, then I went off on my way.

Of course, Finney Blake

He's my best friend and I've never seen him or really anyone get so affected by something before.

He's hurting real bad. He no longer has a partner in biology, he doesn't have anyone to co-tutor me with, and he doesn't have JJ's usual shoulder to cry on when his dad's a dick.

I try to help him, I try so hard to help him feel better, but it's hard when I feel the same way.

No matter what I do, nothing works, and at this point I feel worthless. She made everything feel worthwhile, now nothing.

Then, Me, Robin Arellano, The absolute worst

I can't stand this. losing her will forever be an indescribable pain. It feels overwhelming, the constant need to just cry, and to give up.

Each memory brings sorrow and hurt, reminding me of everything I can never do with her again. Some people say that I'm too young to go through all of this, but... what about her?

What pain could she be going through now, what has she gone through, or is all of it already over for her? That thought keeps creeping in the back of my mind. I don't go to school half the time, when I found out she was missing my mom let me take the week off.

Now? I'm expected to always be there. My mom gets that i'm grieving, but still expects everything to be the same without JJ.

There's one thing we all have in common.

We will defend JJ's name till the day we die.

But if this could happen again.

If someone were to be taken next, who would it be?

If someone were to be taken next, who would it be?

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