Stay with me

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Spencer P.O.V

-No, No, No, Get away from her!!!!!!!- I heard Bryan say, he was sleeping.
Me and jack, we were looking for something to eat out side, and we
found him lying down beside a tree screaming, me and jack went to him,
and he just passed out, jack carried him back to the café where we
were and he just has been sleeping since.
-It's ok, sweetie. - I heard jack's mom saying to him. My father
called me and said that we need to go because we needed to find my
brother, and it was a really long trip, I only could think about jack
and his family of curse that Bryan was coming with us because it seems
that him and my father are best friends now I still don't know why,
but...I got up and went to talk to jack.
- Hey jack. - I said with a really sad tone.
-Hey Spence, it's everything ok?
-No, my father just told me that we needed to go because we needed to
find my brother and it was a really long trip, and I don't really
think that you and you're family are coming with us.
- Ho...That sucks but maybe my parent's, want to go with you?
- No I don't think so, It's a dangerous trip because of the zombies
and I don't think that your parent's want to make your little sister
and brother go, when they can stay here safe and sound.
- So is this a good bye? - He said sounding so said, I hugged him
really tight and said that probably it was. He hugged me back.
- You know, I really like you, you are a really good friend and I hope
I could find you again safe and sound; he said and kissed my cheek.
Did he say friend? I was hoping it could be more than that but
apparently it wasn't.
- You are a really good friend too. - I aid trying to sound a little
happier than I was.

Jack P.O.V.
I didn't really knew what to say, I don't want her to leave I really
like her, she is totally different from the other girls, I don't know
how to explain but she makes me happy, and she makes me laugh, and I
want to know her better, she can't just leave.
-Spencer is Bryan coming with you too?
-Yes he is, against my will but he is, why?
-Nothing. You really don't like him don't you? - I said trying to
change the subject.
-Well, I don't, don't like him but sometime I have this felling that
he is not really trustful. That and he and my father are kind of best
friends now!
-Don't say that, you father loves you, he just misses your brother a
lot and your mother too, and Bryan is kind of looks a lot like your
brother but just a little older, you shouldn't say that.
- I don't know nothing anymore. Do you agree with me? - She asked and
looked at me her eyes are just amazing.
- Agree with you, about what?
- About Bryan being trustful.
-Don't take me the wrong way but aren't you like, being a little
paranoid? I mean he just a 17 year old dude that probably doesn't have
anyone to take care of him and you father is just helping him.
- I don't know, you're probably right. - She said and then turned
around and went to the kitchen.
I don't know what to do, I really like her she is like a sister to me,
she is so different so funny to be around and a little stubborn but I
like her anyway. I hope we could be more than that one day.

Spencer P.O.V
I enter the kitchen and my dad was lying down on the floor with a
massive stomach ache, I looked him at him and saw the pain through his
eyes, they looked said and distant, it was wired and all of the sudden
he stared drooling from his mouth and his eyes were completely blank
and he had blood running from his nose, is was horrible, I ran up to
him and lift his head a little bit and turn him to the side and just
tried to make him stop after like five minutes it all ended but he
eyes were still blank it was so weird, I starting calling for help,
and after two minutes jack's parent's started rushing into the
kitchen, and then....

This chapter was really difficult to wright I don't really know why but
it was, I hope you enjoyed it, please comment and vote, PLEASE!!!!!!!
Thank you <3 <3 <3 <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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