Information on the world

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For as long as civilization  was created, there were different types of species..

There was the Angels: Who was supposed to keep the balance of Goodness on the world. Their appearance consists of a Halo and Wings, depending on their status. There was many types of Angels: The  Heaven Born Angels and The Soul Angel, The Knight Angels, The Court Angels, Fallen Angels, Dark Angels and The Royal Angels.

The Heaven born Angels are angels that can ascend their ranking due to their status has being birthed to heaven.

The Soul Angels ,however, are humans who died and their soul went to heaven. Due to being born on earth instead of heaven,  they cannot ascend their rankings and will forever just be an angel living there.

Both Heaven and Soul Angels only have two wings.

The Knight Angels are angels who ascended their ranks to protect the Heavens, as sometimes demon would try and break into them. They are highly well trained in fighting.

The Court Angels are the ones who decides if the souls will go to heaven or hell and to see if some of the angels should be fallen or be given redemption.

The Knight and Court Angels have 4 wings.

Fallen Angels, are ones who've done something that can or cannot be redeemed. Once you're a fallen angel, the halo and wings will durn into a dark colour instead of the usual color white.

Dark Angels, are forbidden. As they are the offspring of a Demon and an Angel. The dark angels appearance are that they have black wings and halo and that the halo is normally broken due to 'defects'.
The Dark Angels usually are sent to hell to be exterminated but if the angel is kind enough for the Court, then there will be an exception for them.

Lastly, The Royal Family, they are one of the most powerful in the world and most powerful in heaven. They usually have multiple halo's and have 6 wings. They are fully trained incase of an Attack and the heirs are mostly women.

Theres the demons who, like the angels, keeps balance of the bad on the world. The demons and angels are similar when it comes to their types.

Hell-born Demons: Demons who were born in hell. Unlike angels, the demons dont have rankings as it is a place of suffering.

Soul Demons: Like the angels, were previously humans that had committed the worsts sins and has divine punishment, they were sent down to suffer.

Minions: They are created by the Queen of Hell. Their appearance looks inhuman and monster-looking. Once given a mission by the Queen, they wont stop until they are successful.

Light Demons: are forbidden. As they are the offspring of a Demon and an Angel. The Light Demons appearance are that they have White horns, tail and wings due to 'defects'.
The Light Angels usually are sent to hell to be exterminated but if the Demon is kind enough for the Court, then there will be an exception for them.

Demon Queen: The power demon in hell. The most cruel and vicious  demon  in all of the world. Not much is recorded about her.

Theres also the Nephilims, they are the rarest ones, as they were born with abilities no other human being could. Their abilities can range to Teleportation to Precognition.

The Humans are more common, as theyre just normal beings that has good and bad to them. Though some has more evil than good. Humans are more.. easily manipulated at times..

And lastly, The All powerful One..
Not much is Recorded about them.

Heaven- A Place where all Humans and Nephilims go when they died. It's a place of peace, kindness and happiness. The Ruler of Heaven are King and Queen Mitsuda with their daughters, Yuki and Yuri Mitsuda.

Hell- Where people that committed the worst acts of cruelty to others and to whom who've fallen from Heaven as punishment for their sins. The Ruler of Hell are Queen Ayuna and Kind Daichi.

Earth- Where Humans and Nephilim's live. Most of the inhabitants there are either kind, cruel or both. They mostly stay in peace unless one tries to fight another.

•Vetherael- The kingdom where all most Nephilim's. Its a peaceful and beautiful place thats secluded from the rest of the world to not be take  advantage of.  The Ruler of Vethrael are King and Queen Kurosumi with their two daughters, Hiname and UNKNOWN.

Queen and King Mitsuda- Kind hearted Angels whom would do anything for their people. They are well-liked in Heaven due to their kind personality.

•Princess Yuki and Yuri- Yuki, like her parents is kind hearted and passionate on helping people go to Heaven and be redeemed. While for Yuri, Not much is known of her due to her rare sightings, as she doesn't appear to be in heaven a lot and prefers Earth though like her sister, is also kind and passionate.

Queen Ayuna- A cruel, selfish, violent, vindictive and narcissistic Demon. While the Angels hate her, her 'subjects'  'adore' her as their Queen. Known to give curses to others she doesnt like.

King Daichi- Like Ayuna, he is the same but is more obedient to his Queen. Rumors were that he had children that were killed for unknown reasons but try to talk about it will immediately get punished for it.

King and Queen Kurosumi- They are respected and well-loved by their people as they make their appearances. King Kurosumi is a man thats passionate, protective and kind to his people, especially his family. Queen Kurosumi, a gentle, kind and strong willed woman who will do everything to protect her people with the best of her abilities. Rumors were that The Queen wasnt able to bear children but found another way how.

• Princess Hiname- Was adopted when she was a child wondering in the streets. The Queen, having seeing her, felt bad and decided to take her to the palace where she was well-liked by the maids, bulters, knights and even the King and Queen. They decied to officially adopt her and named her 'Hiname'. They are unaware of her origins or what she is.

Princess UNKNOWN - Not much information is given about her.

KUR4G4R1 "The All Powerful One" - Is someone NOT to be messed with. Not much is known about her but she isnt kind nor evil. No one knows what her intentions are. She likes to see the chaos that happens and may or may not be the reason why a certain Angel keeps dying.

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