Chapter 6- You failed~

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It was all chaos in heaven. Guards and people were desperately searching for Mizuki. On Earth and even at the border between Heaven and Hell, even at Vetherael, to ask if they saw her.

It's been 6 months since the ambush. Yoshio has healed and even joined the search, but to no avail.

Everyone is getting more and more desperate. They weren't even sure if she was even alive, but Yuki was becoming more worried and paranoid.

This wasn't supposed to happen. She shouldn't have let Mizuki go down to Earth with just three guards.

A knock was heard, snapping Yuki out of her panic. "Come in! "She yelled.

She looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was messy, bags under her eyes.

"Kina? "A young little voice asked. It was her little sister, Yuri.

"Hey, need anything? "Yuki asked her in a soft voice, trying her best not to show her how tired she was.

"Can we play? "She asked her to hold out two stuffed toys.

Yuki smiled,Of course! "

She stopped what she was doing and played with Yuri. She was relaxing a bit when Yuri asked her something: "When will Mizu cone back? "Her innocent voice made Yuki more miserable. The fact that Yuri noticed meant it's been too long since she went missing.

A knock was heard. "Yuki? Can I come in? "The voice, Yoshio asked.

"Go ahead." The door opened. They came in serious, but it fell when he saw Yuri.

"Hello, Princess Yuri." He bowed. "Is it alright to speak to your sister privately? "They asked Politely

"Ok!! "Yuri got up and left running to who knows where.

"Whats the matter? "Yuki's tone was serious in an instant.

"We might know where Mizuki was hidden. Appearently she might be inside the Demon Queens Castle," he said.

"We know she's with the Queen, but where is the question? We don't know Hell that much. Plus, if we do, what's next? Do we just go there and attack?"Yuki detailed

"For the castle, I know the way to there. It's you that has to plan. Well, I'll be leaving. Farewell." They bowed and left the room.

Yuki could only sigh as she put her head in her hands.

Yuki stood up and left her room to go to her mother.

"Mother, we have an update about the location of the Dark Angel," Yuki announced as she walked in the room.

"Go on." Her mother turned to her, a tired face greeting her.

"The Queen of Demons has Mizuki in her castle, and we have someone who knows where it is," Yuki stated.

"Who is it? "Her mother's face turned to curiosity.

"Yoshio, Mother."

"Hm. Ready the guards. In two days, you will go to the castle. Do not attack; however, if they attacked first, then you have the permission to defend yourself. Your only mission is to find Mizuki and get here safely." She commanded

"What if.. if she's dead? "Yuki hesitated, saying the last part, but she knew there was a chance.


"Take her body here. Even if she's dead, we can still give her a proper burial. Especially for her mother, Hannah."

"Alright, I will take my leave." Yuki bowed and left to inform the Head of Guards.

"Yoshio." He turned to see Yuki. They set his scythe down.

"Hey, Yuki. What did your mother say? "They asked.

"Get your guards ready. In two days, we'll go to the castle. Our only mission is to get Mizuki; we'll only attack if we need to defend ourselves," she stated.

"Two days already? "His tone was laced with shock.

"It's been too long; if there is a chance that she was killed, then we need to get her body." Yuki left, leaving Yoshio alone.

Two days later

"Are you all ready?! "Yuki yelled; she was in full battle armor with her Claymore sword with her. She also bought Mizuki's weapon in case she saw her.

Lots of cheers were heard as Yoshio stepped up to where Yuki was.

"All the guards are ready; we have our weapons and shields as well. We should go to the border now," he said.

The Queen walked towards Yuki and Yoshio. All guards, including Yoshio, bowed.

"Yuki.. Be careful with your travels. Hell isn't the safest place; please come back safe and alive." Shizuko pleaded. She kissed her daughter's forehead.

"I will. I promise you, I'll be ok," Yuki reassured her mother.

The angels left to go to the border; the closer they went, the darker it was, until.

"This is it. Anyone want to stay here? "Yuki asked as she looked at her army.

Only 5 guards gave up out of 344.

Yoshio led the way; the demons looked at them with either shock, confusion, disgust, or anger. None, however, attacked them.

They were in a dark forest, walking through; all of them could hear the screams of agony, the maniacal laughter, and the sound of demons dying.

Some of the guards held onto each other as they walked closer to the castle.

"Are you sure you are going the right way? "Yuki questioned Yoshio.

"I am certain." Yuki wondered how he knew, but she'll ask later.

Alas, the large castle was in front of them. Yuki entered first; no guards were there.

"Why are there no knights? "One of the angels asked.

"Yeah, isn't it weird? "Another said.

It was indeed suspicious that no guards were attacking them.

They were at the center of the castle; all the angels were inside when suddenly the doors closed and they were surrounded by demons.

All of the angels fought the demons, but they were a bit overwhelmed. In the end, the Angels won.

255 were injured, either minor or major; 20 died.

"Is everyone alright? "Yuki asked as she tended to a guard's injury.

"Everyone is fine," Yoshio said, walking to Yuki.

Yuki stood up and helped the guard up as well.

"We should split up. This castle is too big, we'll run out of time. We can't afford to lose more guards," they stated.

"Alright. One group explores the grounds, and then the rest we'll go to the upper floors."

The rest of the angels went up and started to search the rooms; while they were searching, Yuki and Yoshio started to talk.

"Y'know you never told me that you knew the way here." Yuki looked at Yoshio.

"Well, I know someone who was redeemed. They told me all about the place." They explained, looking away and distancing himself from the princess's gaze.

"Oh really," Yuki gave him a knowing look; she continued, "Did this someone also tell you when Mizuki was going to her old house? "She asked and pointed her sword at them.

"Aww, you found out. Honestly? I was surprised it took you this long." He laughed as all the angels realized something.

Yoshio was a traitor. He was the reason why Mizuki was missing. They managed to trick all of them here.

Quickly, all the angels drew their swords to Yoshio, "Execute him." Yuki's only command as she left the others alone.

As Yuki was walking, she could hear Yoshio's scream, but she didn't care. A friend that she trusted betrayed her, and for what?

Yuki walked and walked until she reached the theater room. She saw Ayuna.

Her long black hair that has these dark red tips, fark black skin (as in the color black, not the skin tone!), having multiple eyes all over her face, her mouth being at her neck, and claws big and sharp just like her horns. She was wearing a long sleeveless dress, showing her claws.

Another person there was Mizuki. She was alive! But a closer look showed her face that she was injured. Her whole body was bleeding, bruises, and cuts all over her body.

"Well, well, look who it is. The Princess of Angels has decided to grace as with her presence! Isn't that just delightful? "She taunts Yuki as Ayuna grabs Mizuki's face to look at her friend.

"What did you do to her?" Yuki snarled, gripping her Claymore sword even more tightly.

"Why, I just roughed her up a bit! Don't worry, she won't die." Ayuna laughed sinisterly as she summoned her minions.

"You want to get her back? Then fight for it." She demanded, "Minions! Kill her! ".

All the minions started to attack her, but Yuki was quick to dodge. She gripped her sword tightly as she swung it to the minions, attacking each one of them.

A minion was about to attack her from behind, but Yuki quickly kicked the minion away, screeching.

She finished the last of the minions; she had an injured right hand and left leg, and she was scratched at her side, but that was about it.

"Is that all you've got? "She mocked, smirking as she saw the grotesque queen's face. Well, if you found multiple eyes as a face.

"Fine.. I'll show you what pain is." Ayuna went to Yuki, leaving Mizuki alone there; she couldn't move due to restraints.

Ayuna lunged at Yuki, trying to claw her. Fortunately, Yuki avoided it and managed to attack her right arm.

Ayuna quickly fired some magic towards Yuki and was a bit too late. Yuki crashed into the wall; her head was bleeding, but she still stood up.

Yuki switched her claymore to a much smaller sword and attacked again. Swinging and attacking Ayuna as much as possible.

In the end, Yuki won.

Her head was bleeding, both of her were littered with cuts and bruises and were broken, and her legs as well. Yuki would've felt the pain if it wasn't for the numbness she was in.

"You've lost Ayuna," she said, her gaze cold towards the demon.

"NOO! I should've won! I AM THE QUEEN OF DEMONS!"She shouted, turning to where Mizuki was.

She was silently watching with a blank face, but one look at her eyes and you would know she was relieved that Yuki won.

" 丨, 卂ㄚㄩ几卂, 匚ㄩ尺丂乇 ㄚㄖㄩ ㄒㄖ ᗪ丨乇 ㄖᐯ乇尺 卂几ᗪ ㄖᐯ乇尺 卂Ꮆ卂丨几! ㄒ卄乇 ㄖ几ㄥㄚ 山卂ㄚ ㄒㄖ 乃尺乇卂Ҝ ㄒ卄乇 匚ㄩ尺丂乇 丨丂 乃ㄚ ㄒ卄乇 卄乇ㄥ卩 ㄖ千 ㄒ卄乇 卂ㄥㄥ 卩ㄖ山乇尺千ㄩㄥ ㄖ几乇! "She spoke in another language, but it sounded like a curse.

Turns out, it was, as there was black magic surrounding Mizuki, and said girl was looking around her confused and scared. She looked at Yuki, a look that Yuki herself will never forget.

Scared wide eyes, tears in her eyes—the look of fear was evident on her face. Yuki realized too late on what's happening because before she could stop Ayuna, Mizuki's head suddenly exploded.

Her blood, eyes, brain, and more covered the floor, walls, and the two remaining there. Yuki stood frozen in shock at what happened.

There was a bit of silence before Ayuna started to laugh maniacally before saying,You failed~" the Demon Queen taunted.

With that, she disappeared, leaving behind Yuki inside the room. She felt numb.

Yuki walked outside to see multiple dead bodies of her guards. All of them died. And it was because she was too late.

Going down, Yuki saw Yoshio's body. She gave it a glance and walked outside the castle to go back to Heaven.

As she was walking back, she could see her mother and father waiting outside for her. They both noticed her and were shocked at her appearance.

She doesn't blame them. She looked like shit. Messy hair, bloody all over, face filled with blood and injuries.

Shizuko ran to Yuki, cupping her face and moving it side by side to see the damage.

"Yuki! What happened? Where's the guards? Mizuki? "Her father asked.

"They're dead," Yuki replied with a monotone voice. As she looked at her dear mother dead in the eye.

"What do you mean? "She asked, concern and sadness on her face.

"Yoshio, he betrayed us. The guards were overwhelmed by the Demons, Mizuki. She," Yuki tried to hold back her tears. "She's dead."

"Yuki.. Why don't you clean up? Go rest; it's been a few long weeks," Takara, her dad softly said as he ruffled her hair.

Yuki nodded and went to her room, rinsing off the blood of her enemies, teammates, and love. She changed into her pajamas and laid down, processing what happened, but decided it was for the best to sleep instead.

Her eyes became heavy as she finally went to rest.

"Ke up! "Yuki groaned and buried her head in her pillow.

"Sis, wake up! "The voice shouted as they shook her.

Opening her eyes, she let her vision adjust a bit before looking at who was shaking her. She smiled when she realized it was her little sister, Yuri.

"Hey there." Her voice raspy as she sat up.

"You've been asleep for days! Mom said to wake you up! "She smiled, then tried to pull her older sister out of bed.

Yuki smiled, "Alright, I'll get up." She got out of bed and stretched a bit.

"How long have I been asleep? "Yuki asked as she went to the bathroom.

"7 days."

Yuki stopped.

"7 days?? "Yuki repeated, shocked at how long she slept.

Yuri nodded. "Mom thought you were dead. Now hurry! She says she needs to talk to you!!"With that, the 6-year-old ran out of the room, of course not closing the damn door.

Yuki sighed and went inside the bathroom to take a shower and brushed her teeth.

Yuki went to the garden and saw her mother.

"Mother." Yuki walked up to Shizuki, the Queen turning to her and smiling gently.

"Morning. Had a good rest?"She asked as she sat down. It was the same place where Shizuko and Mizuki talked.

"About Mizuki..." the atmosphere became somber at the mention of her.

"We could do a burial for her. We might now have her body, but that's the best we could do, especially for Hannah," she informed her.

"I see." Yuki remembered the fear on Mizuki's face; her heart broke at that.

"I have already informed Hannah about Mizuki, and the burial will happen tomorrow," Shizuki said.

"Alright. Is that all? "

"Yes, go now."

Yuki left to go to her room.

The day of the burial

The Royal Family, Hannah, and some Angels that were Mizuki's friends gathered at the place where Mizuki's picture was placed.

Some were crying, like Hannah, who was crying the most.

Yuki could only stare at the picture of Mizuki as she heard the words of the Court Angels.

She realized she would never see Mizuki again. It was like a dam broke as tears started to fall down her cheeks, then she walked to where Hannah was and placed a hand on her shoulder.

She looked up at the princess, noticing her tears. Hannah hugged the girl and just cried.

Yuki, not knowing what to do, hugged her back and cried as well.

Both were mourning the death of a loved one.

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