The Prologue

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In heaven, where all angel types are alike, there was one girl who was going to be the reason for her daughter's downfall.

Her name was Akira Chizuru. She was about 18 years old and had matte purple hair, pale skin, blue eyes, and white star pupils. Her halo and wings are a beautiful light blue color. She was wandering around the border between heaven and hell. She decided to sit just between the gaps between the two places, and as she closed her eyes and relaxed, she heard footsteps. Alert, she opened her eyes to see a young man about her age.

He had jet black hair, pale skin, purple eyes, and black pupils. His red horns and hooked tail were evidence of someone with whom she shouldn't be interacting. But one look at his face, and she saw a gentle face with a soft smile directed at her. She froze, not knowing what to do. The guy took notice and began to speak.

"Um Hello.. dont worry!  I won't hurt you; I just came here for peace," he said calmly as he sat down, the opposite of her.

Still unable to speak, he continued.
"So.. What's your name? Im Daichi Kamiyama. I'm a soul demon. How about you? "The guy, Daichi, asked her with a curious look.

"I-im Akira Ch-Chizuru. I'm a soul angel." Akira stuttered, not knowing what to do.

"There is no need to be scared. Like I said, I just wanted peace." He reassured her, trying to calm her, knowing she was stuttering due to his horns and tail.

"Okay,"  Akira replied. She started to relax but became more alert in case the demon attacked.

A comfortable feeling fell upon them. While Akira almost fell asleep, Daichi spoke again.

" So.. Why are you here? "He questioned me while tilting his head to the side.

"I-um, go here a lot to think. I don't have that many friends, and my best friend is busy," she answered while fidgetting with her fingers.

"Why don't you make friends? "He wondered; she looked nice and was pretty; she had to have more friends, right?

"People think I'm weird since I'm mostly quiet. They thought I was too good to talk to them since I'm friends with them. Um, an angel of power," she said sadly. She really wanted to make friends ever since she died.

"Huh. Same here! They say, 'I'm too nice to be here' and stuff. I know what I did wrong, and I'm trying to redeem myself too! But Demons just don't believe that they can be good again." He said the last part sadly.

"Well.. Why don't we be friends? I can help you be good so that when you're in heaven, you can be here with me!"Akira said, excited by the fact that a demon wanted to be good.

"Really? "He asked, surprised.

"Yup! "She smiled at him; a small blush can be seen on his pale face.

And with that, the two started to become friends. Not knowing 'SHE' was watching.

Days, weeks, and months passed, and the two slowly fell in love, with Akira confessing her love for Daichi. Then the two started to date in secrecy. And soon they had their first child together. They were both 21 when Akira gave birth to a son, whom they named Takeo with the help of a Nephilim friend. The two decided that they should live away from heaven and hell and go to earth.

Another couple of years passed, and Akira and Daichi were 29 years old. They had another son named Haruki.

At 34, they had the twins, Mizuki and Mikoto. Akira thought she had the perfect life; all she waited for was for Daichi to be redeemed. Though she did notice her boyfriend become more distant and angry in a way,.

While she was playing with the children in heaven, she was called by one of the royal advisers, saying her best friend needed her.

"Hey Shizuko! You called? "Akira asked as she saw her best friend and her husband.
Shizuko was the Queen of Angels. She had long white blonde hair, medium-colored skin, and orange eyes. Having multiple halos and six pairs of wings.

Her husband, the King, Takara Mitsuda, had brown hair, tan skin, and red eyes. Like his wife, he had multiple halos and six wings.

"Ah indeed.. Akira, you're my friend, right? You would never lie to me? "She asked with a hint of hurt.

"Of course! Why say such things? "Akira asked her, both surprised and confused.

"Then why? "Tears start to fall on her cheeks as her husband comforts her.
"Why didn't you tell me you were in a relationship with a demon? "She continued before sobbing into Takara.

Akira froze at that moment. "How did you know?"

"So it is true! "Her voice was high as she looked at her friend with a mix of sadness and pain in her eyes.

"Im sorry.. He said he'd change," Akira whispered, not looking into her friend's eyes in fear of disappointment.

"You knew the consequences, so why break it? "Shizuko asked, as she knew what she had to do.

"I love him." Thats all Akira said, fully aware of whats going to happen to her.

"I'm sorry for this, and I hope you forgive me one day," she said apologetically.
"I, The Queen of Heaven, declare, Akira Chizuru, Fallen." She raised her angelic staff, and suddenly, Akira's once light blue wings were now dark and her halo a black color.

Before Akira went to hell, Shizuko hugged her tightly and whispered something into her ear, and she was now in hell.

"Maybe in another life, we would've been together."

As she opened her eyes, she saw a dark place called hell. Her first reaction was to find her boyfriend and children, since Shizuko knew about them.
(It still hurts remembering what she said to Akira.)

When she went to their house, she could hear yelling and crying. She thought it was the exterminators, but when she opened the door, she saw something she wished she had never seen.

Her Daichi, the one she loved and cherished, was hitting their children. Takeo and Haruki were in front, shielding the twins from their father, while Mizuki was comforting Mikoto as she was crying.

"Daichi, what are you doing?! "She yelled with anger and pain.

All of them looked towards Akira. Daichi had a black sclera and a monstrous look.

"Oh. My love, why are you here..?"He smiled cruelly at her as he put his bloodied fist down.

"What are you doing to our children? "She asked again with all the anger she felt.

She couldn't believe it. The person she loved is now gone. Just a shell of what she used to be.

"Just disciplining them," he said with an evil tone.

"Leave. And never come back," Akira demanded.

"Why? Don't you want to be a family like you always wanted? "He tilted his head; what was once cute is now terrifying.

"If you are like our own children, then I would rather break up! Now get out! "She yelled.

Daichi frowned but did leave. As he closed the door, he said,
"I never loved you."
And she never came back.

Akira wanted to cry but couldn't. She has to prioritize her kids first, so she aids their wounds, packs their bags, and leaves to find another home.

Once they found a new home, Akira made her kids go to sleep in their room. She read them a story and told them goodnight, kissing their foreheads as she left the room.

Once she was inside her room, she cried silently in fear of waking her kids up. Thinking of what just happened.

She had nothing anymore.
No friends.
No Boyfriend.
No Heaven.

But she did have her children with her. She swore to herself that she would never let anyone hurt her kids again.

She would have to live in constant fear incase that the exterminators come find them.

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