Part 3 First Meet

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Arrival at the Party

Virat, Arjun, Ram, and Priya ( Ram's girlfriend) arrived at Sakshi’s housewarming party. As they walked in, the atmosphere was alive with laughter and chatter. Sakshi, with her usual warmth, greeted them at the door.

Sakshi: "Hey, you guys! Finally, the life of the party is here!"

Arjun: (grinning) "You know we wouldn’t miss it. Nice place, Sakshi. It’s got your touch all over it."

Sakshi:(teasingly) "Of course! Only the best for me. And Priya, you look stunning! Ram, I don’t know how you managed to snag such a beautiful woman."

Ram: (laughing) "What can I say? I’m just lucky."

Priya: (mocking) "Lucky? More like persistent! But yes, Sakshi, the place looks amazing."

Virat:(smirking) "I see you’ve gone all out, Sakshi. The place looks amazing."

Sakshi: "Thanks, my boy. Are you still single? Or have you finally found someone who can handle all that 'national duty' charm?"

Priya: (grinning) " The man’s married to his uniform. No woman could ever compete with that."

Ram: "Yeah, Virat, when are you going to stop pretending to be a monk and find yourself a girlfriend?"

Virat:(smirking) "There’s just no one on this planet who’s up to my level, gentlemen. I need someone who’s not just achieving personal success, but also giving back to the country—someone being smart and confident yet grounded, witty at mind, but kind at heart. Since there’s no one like that, I’d rather stay single than settle."

Arjun:(laughing) "Listen to this guy! No wonder you’re single—you’ve practically described Wonder Woman! Good luck finding her, buddy."

Virat: (grinning) "Well, until then, I’ll just have to survive by watching you miss Sakshi like a lost puppy whenever we’re on duty."

Ram: (joining in) "True, Arjun. I’ve seen you get all misty-eyed just by hearing her name."

Sakshi: (rolling her eyes) "Oh please, like you guys are any different. But enough teasing Virat—let’s get inside and enjoy the partyyy!"

The group entered the party, mingling and enjoying the festive atmosphere. Sakshi moved on to greet other guests, and that’s when Kanishka arrived.

Kanishka’s Entrance

Kanishka entered the room, looking radiant despite the exhaustion from her busy day. Her presence immediately caught Virat’s attention. For the first time, he found himself unable to look away from a woman.

Virat: (thinking to himself) "Who is she? I’ve never seen her before, but... wow."

Kanishka, unaware of the eyes on her, scanned the room for Sakshi. When their eyes met for a brief moment, Virat felt an unexpected jolt, like a shockwave coursing through him. But before he could react, Kanishka had already looked away and was making her way towards Sakshi.

Kanishka: (hugging Sakshi from behind) "Hello, love!"

Sakshi: (turning around and hugging her back) "Hi, my sassy queen! I was wondering when you’d get here. You look like you just walked off a runway!"

Kanishka: (teasingly) "Well, I figured I’d better look good if I’m going to hang out with you. You’re practically a celebrity."

Sakshi:(mock sighing) "Flattery will get you everywhere. But seriously, how are you? You look amazing, but I know you must be exhausted."

Kanishka: (grinning) "I’m running on fumes, but I couldn’t miss your party. Plus, I need a little fun after the day I’ve had."

Sakshi: "Fun is the last thing you’ll miss here. But first, let me grab some more food. Stay here and socialize, okay?"

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