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It had been a week since she had left that note outside of her door and signed off as Chae, since there was really one Rosé but many Chaes.

It would have been embarrassing if someone else other than Charming got hold of the note. It would be mortifying, the fact that she was lowkey conversing with a borderline stalker.

Not a stalker.

She chided herself again. If Charming was a stalker then they wouldn't go on such lengthy breaks or maybe because they received her note, they simply got frightened by it.

Rosé chewed on her bottom lip in apprehension, unable of think of any possibility as to why the notes had stopped coming. She worried for the receiver and she worried further if a saseng did catch her do all this.

It would turn into something bigger than necessary and she wanted no part of it.

"You can have a couple of pop tarts," Lisa told her while popping few in her mouth. For the day, Rosé had decided to accompany her best friend to her Celine photo shoot.

It was happening in Jeju for the weekend. Lisa thought it was a perfect place to unwind and especially since Rosé had refused to leave her four walls for days. Lisa was worried for her friend as she handed her the bowl.

"Thanks," Rosé seemed to say sheepishly before putting a tart in her mouth. She was deep in thought and Lisa's voice had suddenly broken her train and pulled her back into the real world.

"Lisa, you are up next." The manager said.

Lisa turned to Rosie and kissed her cheek, "I won't be long. Then we can grab some Momguk, yeah?"

Rosé nodded, and gave her a small smile, "I'm just going to go walk around the resort and see if I can do something about my sweet cravings."

Allison stood up abruptly, ready to follow the blonde girl out of the room alongside Lisa and her manager.

The sun had begun to slip between the clouds, casting an orange hue across the skies that looked ethereal. Rosé soaked in the weather, the humidity and air breathing new life into her lungs.

She removed her slippers and let her legs dig into the soft grass. It was an odd practise that seemed to comfort her a lot. She had vowed to built herself a home with a large garden around it.

Allison had gone over to get them coffee as she leaned onto the railing, the waves of the sea crashing furiously against the rocks below. Jeju was truly a serene island.

"What are the chances?"

Rosé whipped her head towards the source of the sound, the familiar masculine timbre reverberating in her chest.

The angelic face of Kim Taehyung greeted her, a polite smile already on his face. She seemed taken aback, her heart giving her a little squeeze as she ripped herself away from the railings.

"Taehyung?" It was the first time she had called him by his real name, "What are you doing here?"

"Celine has a photoshoot for the weekend, I flew in early."

She looked around, finding herself alone with him in the garden. Unlike last time, he was dressed casually in a white button up, over white shorts.

He could make anything look effortlessly elegant.

"You?" He asked, his gaze travelling to the dipping sun on the horizon. She followed his gaze till they settled on the serene view as the distance between them reduced.

"Lisa has a photoshoot." Rosé said, "I'm accompanying her."

She gulped, the nervousness getting to her. She couldn't figure out why she felt so, "What about you? Alone?"

She wanted to smack herself the moment those words left her mouth. They may come from a place of acquaintance but sounded suggestively at something more.

He smiled and shook his head, "Jimin's with me. But Jungkook is flying in tonight."

"I see," she thought she marked the end of a conversation but Taehyung seemed to an extrovert of sort, making small talk and asking question that kept the conversation going.

Time passed as they got to know each other, he discovered her dog's name to be Hank as they followed their pet's accounts online. They shared mutual love-hate regarding their dogs as she teased him on snitching to Yeontan.

He laughed at the jokes she made. An indecipherable warmth bloomed into her chest as she realised she felt comfortable around that man.

"Why don't you join us for dinner?" He suggested all of a sudden, bringing her smiling face to a stop.

Dinner with Taehyung ? And his friend Jimin? The one who did not like her.

"I think your friend won't approve." I stated, already typing in a text for Lisa to ask for permission.

She replied almost instantly with a thumbs up. Lisa loved meeting people and Taehyung and her had been friends for a while, considering they travelled together for Celine shows along with Park Bogum.

"We can ignore Jimin," he told her, "Jungkook and I would love to have you,"

I frowned, "You said it was only Jimin and you?"

"Jungkook would make it before dinner," he plastered his puppy dog face, that was the only way she could describe his expression, "Come on, Rosie. It will be fun."

Her heart thudded to a stop at the mention of that name. It was the same one Charming had called her with in their last note.

Could Taehyung be Charming?

However his face betrayed nothing, not even a twitch of emotion that would suggest that he knew of Charming. But she had never been the best at reading people.

"Uh.. sure?" She replied, completely unsure of herself.


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