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Rosé was far behind Alison, the legs on her small dog taking longer time to cover the same distance as hers. It was normal, unlike the rest of the people that she had to interact with on a daily basis. Her trailer was at a good distance from the rest of the lot, a bit towards the sun whenever she would like to take a look.

The scorching heat of June was sweltering and uncomfortable, and she wanted nothing less than to suck on an ice lolli. Green apple, if possible. The ground was dusty as her dog let out a little cough, prodding alongside his mama as a sudden brick of muscles crashed into her.

Her vision that had entirely consisted of Hank suddenly filled with the clouds and the wide sky and blinding sun. With utter horror she realised that she was falling, with makeup, with hair done and dress that needed to be re turned at the end of it.

Her balance was lost, all air leaving her lungs when she realised there was absolutely nothing she could do from breaking her fall.

Sudden strong arms shot out towards her, wrapping themselves around her waist before stopping her head from colliding against the dusty ground. Her vision refocused onto the man in front of her face, his eyes digging into her soul.

Her heart thundered against her chest rapidly, the aftermath of it still fresh as he helped her up.

She hadn't noticed the man yet before a cool voice beside him spoke, "Are you okay?".

Rosé clutched her heart, willing it to calm down as three towering men surrounded her from the front. Not three, two but when her mind could finally proceed the whole thing she noticed it was Jungkook of BTS that spoke to her.

His face was a familiar one, angles and edges, a lip ring dangled from the corner of his mouth. His voice a stark contrast against his face. His eyes however were drawn into a frown in genuine concern.

The man in front; the one who had caught her, was Taehyung or the face that people in Korea were paying to get. It was angel in its purest form, a beauty that was timeless. She felt her breath hitch.

"Did she hit her head or something?" The snappy voice of Jimin broke her from her trance as she glanced at him, his face a mix of annoyance and snobby.

"She," Rosé began while pointing at herself, "is right here."

Jimin snapped his gaze to look at her, the swirls in them enticing to say in the least.

"And she talks," he concluded sarcastically.

"Be nice," Taehyung chided while stepping forward to reach for her. She found herself frozen on her two feet, her eyes following his every movement as the scent of something expensive wafted into her nose.

He grazed the outer shell of her ear, a shiver evoking at the contact as he pulled something out of it, "Sorry you had a leaf stuck on you."

Rosé felt her heart combust into flames as she struggled to maintain a straight face, "Thanks,"

"Can we leave now?" Jimin interrupted her before she could properly thank Taehyung for helping her up. She shot the man a glare that could freeze up rivers.

"Hyung," It was Jungkook this time, a wave of surprise washing over her as the younger one spoke against the elder. It was uncommon but then again they were close, she was no one to judge anybody's relationships.

Jimin just crossed his arms in front of his chest and tapped against the floor in annoyance, looking at her to finish up with utter impatience visible on his face.

"Ah- right-" she felt a blush creeping up to her face, "Thank you so much," she told him as he suddenly looked at her feet. Following his gaze she found Hank, who was wagging their tails at him.

"Yours?" He asked but before she could reply he dropped to his haunches to play with him. Rosé knew of Yeontan, his dog that was another Pomeranian. Jennie had one as well, she liked to keep track of things like that.

"I have one too,"

"I know-" she coughed, hoping he didn't catch her spelling her thoughts out to him, "Oh what's his name?"

"Yeontan," He flashed her a smile before scratching the back of Hank's ears. Rosé felt her heart skip another beat.

"It's very cute," She replied, happy that the conversation took a turn she was familiar with. She could talk about her dog to anyone at anytime of the day. She loved doing it so much.

"My dog's-"

"Boys!" A shrill female voice called from behind her as the three men straightened up. The look of subtle fear coursed through their faces quite openly as she turned around to find both her and what she could assume was theirs, managers walking towards them.

Alison was holding onto a packet of ice lolly, her cap blocking the sun from hitting her face. Rosé wondered why she couldn't have just carried an umbrella for herself, the thought leaving a sour taste in her mouth.

"Got to go," Taehyung said while getting up, "Nice meeting you."

"You too," she nodded at him. Jimin passed by her next, not bothering to spare her a glance even. She didn't let her smile reach her ears, knowing he didn't deserve it.

"It's Hank, right?"

Rosé looked at the source of the voice. Jungkook had drawn close to her without her noticing, the masculine scent of wood and spice invading her nose. She loved it, found it alluring and brooding.

His eyes were like pools of ocean that hid years and years of mysteries. Something about them was simply- enticing.

"Right," she breathed, suddenly the muscles on his shirt gaining her attention, and the tattoos peeking from the corners of it.

"See you around, Rosé." He said before taking off to be with the rest of the group. She turned around and found all of them staring at her, seven pairs of eyes, all at once.

She turned red under their gazes and hurried to her trailer. Her manager following behind.

The entire encounter had left her confused and feeling rather- too hot.

Charming RoséWhere stories live. Discover now