Chapter 8: Spaces Between Us

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Louis' P.O.V

So it's been a couple days since I last Zayn and Harry. But the thing is I know where Harry is... he is with Amy, and that's a good thing. Zayn on the other, just kinda dropped off the face of the earth. No text, no call, no tweet no nothing. So I have decided to go check his flat see if he is home sobbing about the mistake he mad and that I fixed.

I pulled up to his flat and noticed his car was still parked in front so maybe he is home. I walked up to the front door and knocked. I waited a few minutes and he opened the door.

"Louis... what are you doing here?" I smiled.

"Well yes Zayn, I would love to come in to your beautiful home." I pushed past him and noticed that everything was in boxes. And my smile instantly fell. I turned to look at him and he just gave me a guilty smile. "What the fuck, Zayn. Where are you going and why haven't you told anyone yet?"

"Louis, I can't do this anymore. I can't keep making mistakes and expecting you guys to forgive me. I love you guys, but I can't do if anymore. I'm done." What was he talking about, he can't do this anymore.

"Z, you're gonna have to be a little more specific about what you're talking about."

"I'm leaving the band Lou. I have already talked to Simon and Modest, they said it's fine, well Simon said it was fine, Modest on the other did not, so I have hired a lawyer and they are going to help me get out of the contract. Because I'm done with this life. It was fun while it lasted but I'm done."

"Zayn, things don't have to be this way, there is no One Direction without you. Just like you said with Harry. There is no One Direction without either of you. We need you, I need you." My voice was starting to break as my eyes began to water.

"I'm sorry Louis, but it's to late. I'm moving to my Mum's house tomorrow morning. And I would really like it if you didn't tell the boys." Then I got angry.



"Well then, I have one thing to say to you, Family doesn't end with blood, boy. And go fuck yourself ya idjit." And with the famous words of Bobby Singer I walked out on one my closest friends, and I didn't feel sorry about it. I guess I'm gonna be the first on the start the fight.

Zayn's P.O.V

That's not how I want to end things with Louis, I mean he's my best mate and we're Zouis. It's just not right. I guess it's almost all entirely my fault too. I shouldn't be leaving the band for a stupid reason like this one, and I shouldn't brought up Louis' Father that was totally uncalled for. But I was angry, I just thought him out all people would be more accepting of my decision, but I guess I was wrong. That reminds me I have to text the boys about me leaving, but make it seem like I'm needing a break.
Text Conversation With Harry:

Z: Harry, I know what I did was wrong and I know that right now, we are not on the best of terms, but I just thought if let you know that i'm taking a break due to all the stress latley. I'll be back but for now let's me leave you with this... I'm sorry I fucked up your life, I hope you and Louis fixed everything. - Love Zayn.

Text Conversation With Niall:

Z: So I'm guessing that you heard about me messing with Harry and I know you're probably mad at me too, but I thought I'd let you know I'm going on a break and I don't know when I'm coming back. If I have any further information about when I'm coming you'll be the first to know. I love you Nialler, keep on smilen. - Zayn

Text Conversation With Liam

Z: Hey Li, I just thought I'd you know I'm going on vacation don't know when I'll be back, Haz and Nialler have a lot more info about what's going on. Don't believe the shit Louis tells you, we all know he has had troubles telling the truth in the past. I love you Daddy Direction. - Love Zayn.

L: Quit the act Zayn, I knew what's going on Louis already told me everything you lying bastard!!!! How could you leave us like that??? This decision is completely irrational and I wish you the best of luck with your new life... and another thing, lose my number pal. - Love Liam James Payne

So... um Li hates me, Lou hates me, Haz hates me... I don't even know if Ni hates me or not. this whole thing is so fucked up, looks like I'm gonna be the first one to say goodbye.

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