teacher's little helper (🔥) S.J

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Warning: MxF, oral, eating out, age gap M-23 F-38, doggy style, praising kink, slapping. Male's name (Blake), Dom!Blake, Sub!Scar, unprotected sex, slightly rough.

Author's note: I'll proof this in the future, sorry for any mistakes, please let me know what you guys think and don't forget to vote at the end. Also @Lucastrans2006 I will do your request probably on Sunday or tomorrow night and if I take longer I'm sorry :) hopefully I don't disappoint


Some info before starting:

Blake Johnson, 23, 6'3, studying to become an actor, Jet black hair, hears glasses, smart, outgoing, loves older women and when I mean older, I mean 30+.


Scarlett's pov:

I ran my fingers through my mid-length hair, feeling the headache intensify despite the pills I'd taken. I was sifting through papers for the teachers, who needed them by tomorrow, but I wasn't even halfway finished. Maybe if I had help, I could finish faster.

Just then, an idea struck me: Blake could help. He was always checking in at the end of the day to see if I needed anything. I just had to wait a couple of hours, and he'd come by to offer assistance. Maybe I could take a short nap and then get back to work. I rested my arms on the desk, laying my head on them like pillows, closed my eyes, and let sleep carry me away for a few hours.

One hour later

A knock echoed through my office, pulling me from sleep. I blinked awake and looked around, confirming I was still in my office. Hearing the knock again, I quickly stood up and opened the door to find Blake Johnson standing there. He had a bag slung over his shoulder, his jet-black hair tousled messily, glasses perched on his nose, a white shirt neatly tucked into his black pants, and a jacket draped over his shoulders.

"Miss Johansson, do you need my assistance with anything today? Perhaps something... personal?" His voice was unexpectedly low and husky, carrying an attractive undertone that felt out of place. I reminded myself that he was a student and I was his principal—this was wrong. Despite my thoughts, I found myself saying, "I actually do need your help with something." My mouth was speaking, but my brain was struggling to catch up with the words.

"My window is stuck, and it's really hot in here. Plus, I still need to finish some paperwork for tomorrow. I was hoping you might be available to help," I explained. I opened the door wider, and he stepped inside. As he walked past me, the scent of his expensive cologne filled the air, sending a shiver down my spine. I closed the door after ensuring no one was around, then watched as he tossed his bag onto the small sofa in the corner and approached the window.

He grasped the bottom of the window and lifted it, his veiny hands coming into view. A warm sensation started to build in the pit of my stomach, and I subtly pressed my legs together. With a grunt, he managed to open the window. "There you go," he said, stepping back and turning to face me. "Thank you, Mr. Johnson," I replied, my voice unexpectedly sultry. "It's no trouble at all," he responded, his gaze trailing up and down my body, lingering on every curve as my clothes clung to them. His eyes grew hazy, almost as if he were undressing me with his gaze—and I found it... irresistible.

"Please si—" I started to say, but my words were abruptly cut off by the press of lips against mine. The shock hit me immediately. Blake, my student, was here, standing in front of me, kissing me with an intensity that took my breath away. His hands cradled my cheeks, while mine clung to his biceps as if they were my lifeline. After a few seconds, he pulled back, his gaze heavy with desire. "I've been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you," he whispered, his voice low enough for only the two of us to hear.

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