Chapter One

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"Because I like you"

The soft glow of her laptop illuminated Hye-jin's small dorm room as the clock ticked past midnight. The room was a chaotic mix of textbooks, game controllers, and half-empty energy drink cans. But in this moment, none of that mattered. Her focus was entirely on the screen in front of her, where her character sprinted through a pixelated forest, evading enemies and collecting rare items. The digital world was vibrant and alive, a stark contrast to the cluttered and dimly lit space she occupied. Hye-jin's fingers danced across the keyboard with practiced ease, her eyes darting from one corner of the screen to the next. The rhythm of her movements was almost hypnotic, a testament to the countless hours she had poured into both mastering her craft and fine-tuning the game she was developing. Each keystroke and mouse click was a deliberate action in the intricate choreography of game design. The world outside her dorm room faded away, replaced by the vibrant colors and intricate designs of the game she had created herself. For Hye-jin, gaming wasn't just a hobby-it was her escape, her passion, and soon, she hoped, her career.

As she maneuvered her character through a particularly challenging section, her focus intensified. The character deftly avoided a barrage of arrows fired by enemy archers, ducking behind virtual trees and leaping over obstacles. Hye-jin's mind was a whirlwind of calculations and strategies. She was not just playing a game; she was fine-tuning a masterpiece that had consumed her for months. The satisfaction of overcoming a tough level, of seeing her design come to life and function as she had envisioned, was both exhilarating and exhausting.With a triumphant smile, she watched as her character cleared the final level, the victory music chiming through her headphones. The digital celebration was a small but meaningful reward for her hard work. She leaned back in her chair, stretching her arms above her head, feeling the tension in her shoulders release. Her muscles ached from hours of sitting, but the sense of accomplishment made it worthwhile. Her gaze fell on the clock-past midnight, but she felt a surge of energy that made the late hour irrelevant.

"Not bad," she muttered to herself, taking a sip of her now-warm energy drink. "But I need to refine the AI for the boss fight. It's still too predictable." The comment was a reminder of the challenges that lay ahead, but Hye-jin thrived on those challenges. Each problem was an opportunity to improve, to push her skills further, and to bring her vision closer to reality.

She glanced at the chat window on her streaming software, expecting to see the usual handful of viewers-mostly fellow students who were just as passionate about gaming as she was. The familiar usernames, the inside jokes, and the supportive comments had become a part of her nightly routine. To her surprise, the viewer count had spiked, and the chat was buzzing with excitement.

"Wow, that was awesome!"

"Can't wait to play the finished version!"

"Your game design skills are insane!"

Among the flood of comments, one username caught her eye: Phoenix_9. It was a name she hadn't seen before, but something about it felt familiar. The user seemed to radiate a sense of warmth and familiarity that drew her in.

"Hey, just wanted to say your game is really impressive," Phoenix_9 typed. "I'm a huge fan of your work."

A warm blush crept onto Hye-jin's cheeks. Compliments like this weren't new to her, but there was something about the way this person worded it-genuine like they understood the effort she put into her work. It was more than just a casual remark; it was a recognition of the passion and dedication that went into her game.

"Thanks, Phoenix!" she replied, fingers tapping out the words quickly. "It's still a work in progress, but I'm glad you're enjoying it." She hit send, her heart racing with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. Who was this Phoenix_9, and what made their comment stand out so much?

The chat continued to buzz with messages, but Hye-jin found herself coming back to Phoenix_9's comments. They were insightful, encouraging, and unlike anything she had received before. It was as if this person had a deep understanding of game design and an appreciation for the nuances of her work. The connection felt more personal than usual, and Hye-jin was eager to learn more about her new admirer.

For Felix, sitting in the dimly lit room of his dorm, a small smile played on his lips. It wasn't often he got the chance to connect with someone on this level, and certainly not in the world of gaming, where he often found solace from the pressures of his idol life. As a member of popular K-pop group, Stray Kids, Felix's life was a whirlwind of rehearsals, performances, and public appearances. The constant spotlight and high expectations were a heavy burden, and gaming was one of the few ways he could escape, if only temporarily. This girl, with her talent and passion, had something special. Felix admired her dedication and skill, qualities he valued deeply. Watching her gameplay and her interactions with the chat made him feel a sense of familiarity, a reminder that there were others out there who shared his love for gaming and creativity. For a moment, he forgot about his schedule, the rehearsals, and the performances. Here, he was just another gamer, lost in a world of pixels and possibilities.

He continued to watch the chat log as she responded, her excitement obvious even through the screen. The way she engaged with her viewers, her genuine responses, and her enthusiasm for her work made Felix feel as though he was witnessing something truly special. He appreciated the way she balanced technical skill with artistic vision, creating a game that was not only functional but also engaging and immersive.

Felix's thoughts wandered to his own gaming experiences. He remembered the early days when he first fell in love with video games, the sense of wonder and discovery that had fueled his passion. He thought about how his gaming journey had intersected with his career as an idol, providing him with a much-needed escape and a way to connect with others on a different level. Seeing Her passion reminded him of his beginnings and the joy of creating something from scratch. As the hours passed, Felix found himself more and more engrossed in Her stream. The excitement in the chat, the depth of her responses, and the quality of her game all combined to create an experience that felt both personal and universal. It was a reminder of why he loved gaming in the first place-the sense of connection, the thrill of discovery, and the joy of sharing something meaningful with others.

For Hye-jin, the night was a whirlwind of excitement and reflection. The surge of new viewers and the positive feedback from Phoenix_9 was a boost to her confidence. She knew she still had a long way to go before her game was finished, but moments like these made the journey worthwhile. She felt a renewed sense of purpose, a reminder that her passion for game design was something that resonated with others. As she prepared to log off for the night, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Who was Phoenix_9, and what other insights and encouragement might they offer? The connection she felt was more than just a fleeting interaction; it was a potential new friendship, a chance to learn and grow, and a reminder that the world of gaming was full of unexpected and wonderful surprises.

With one last glance at the chat window and a final, heartfelt thank you to her viewers, Hye-jin closed her laptop and stretched once more. The room, though still cluttered and chaotic, seemed to glow with the promise of new possibilities.

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