Chapter Twelve

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왜 힘든 건지뭐가 너를 괴롭혔는지

"What's giving you Such a hard time"

After that unforgettable night at the concert, Hye-jin was filled with a lingering sense of euphoria. The memories of the fanmeet and the concert flooded her mind, and she couldn't help but smile to herself as she replayed every detail. Felix's hand in hers, their brief eye contact, the selfie she had taken-it all felt like a dream she never wanted to wake up from. As she stretched and reached for her phone on the bedside table, she noticed a flurry of notifications. Messages from her brother, Ji-hoon, and some of her classmates who had seen her posts about the concert filled her screen. But there was one notification that made her pause-a message from Phoenix. The moment she saw his username, a warmth spread through her chest, and she opened their chat eagerly.

Phoenix: Hey, how was the concert?. Did you get to see your favorites up close?

Hye-jin's heart raced as she read his message. She had completely forgotten to tell him about the concert in all the excitement of actually being there. Her fingers danced across the screen as she typed out her reply.

Hye-jin (NekoByte): It was AMAZING! Honestly, I don't even know where to start. I was right at the front, like literally at the barricade! And, okay, this might sound crazy, but Felix-yes, THE Felix-actually held my hand! Can you believe that? I still can't!

She hit send and waited, her excitement bubbling over as she thought back to that moment. It felt surreal to be talking about it with Phoenix, someone who had become so important to her, even if they hadn't met in person.

Phoenix:No way! That's incredible! You must have been over the moon! I know how much you love Stray Kids, so that must've been like a dream come true.

Hye-jin smiled at his response, feeling a warmth spread through her. Phoenix always knew the right thing to say, and his support meant the world to her. As she continued typing, she couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of guilt for not knowing more about his life. He had always been so understanding and encouraging, and yet, she still knew so little about him outside of their gaming sessions and chats.

Hye-jin (NekoByte):It really was! I honestly don't think I'll ever forget it. I even got a selfie with him in the background-it's probably the best picture I've ever taken, haha. The whole concert was amazing, though. The energy, the performances, everything was just perfect. I'm still buzzing from it.

Phoenix:I bet! You'll probably be riding that high for a while. Did you go with your brother?

Hye-jin nodded to herself, remembering how Ji-hoon had teased her non-stop after the concert about her 'Felix moment.'

Hye-jin (NekoByte):Yeah, he's always been supportive of my fangirl moments, even though he likes to tease me about it. But I'm so glad we went together. The whole day was just... perfect. We even spent hours in line to get a good spot, and it was totally worth it.

Phoenix: Sounds like it was an unforgettable experience. I'm really glad you got to enjoy it like that. You deserve it, Neko.

Hye-jin felt her cheeks flush at his words, a familiar warmth spreading through her. Phoenix had a way of making her feel special, and it always left her wondering just who he really was. She found herself typing out a question before she could second-guess it.

Hye-jin (NekoByte): Thank you, Phoenix. You're always so sweet to me. You know, I've told you so much about myself, but I still feel like I don't know much about you. Is there anything you're passionate about? Something you love as much as I love Stray Kids?

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