three: ana

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Cold afternoon, cold rain, cold store. The smell of old dust. The smell of my perfume. Soft music playing from my phone.

I'm alone in the antique shop, gazing at my half-finished drawing of Dylan. I can almost see myself adding details and a background. I can almost picture the way he was standing when I started to draw him two days earlier. I grab my pencil. This is going to be a first for me, because I can never remember enough details about most people to finish my artwork.

Getting his chin perfect. And his eyes. The dusty shelves around him. The picture draws itself, and nobody interrupts. I wouldn't have known it was time for me to go home if the alarm on my phone hadn't gone off, telling me I could leave. I'd even missed my dinner break. I'd completely ignored the alarm.


The freezing rain has picked up considerably from earlier, so much that it's blinding. It's so thick that I can't see my hand in front of my face. The cold seeps into my skin, down to the bone. It makes me shiver.

Since I literally can't see, I walk towards blurred light and into the nearest building. The bitter smell of coffee welcomes me, and I know I've stepped into one of the multiple coffee shops on the street. I look out at the pouring rain, and decide that a cup of coffee wouldn't hurt.

I order and soon after receive my steaming mug. It's awkward to sit down because I'm sopping wet and I seriously hate the feeling of my clothes sticking to my skin. I try to ignore it and distract myself by sipping my coffee slowly, letting the heat seep back into my skin.

Well, I'm also sipping because the liquid burns my mouth if I drink it too quickly.

"Julie!" Someone says loudly, making me jump so hard I spill half my coffee onto my lap, which doesn't help the feeling of being soaking wet. Muttering profanity, I jump out of my seat and immediately press napkins to my leggings.

"What the hell, Ana-"

"Sorry," she says, starting to dig through her bag. She pulls out a stack of napkins. Then another. And another.

"It's okay," I sigh, sitting back down, not even bothering to ask why she has so many napkins on her. Ana, my best friend, slides into the seat across from mine. She's a pretty girl with long, dark, stick straight hair, and bright, dark brown eyes. She's tall, too. And she's always wearing the same pair of black, beat up converse.

"What are you doing here?" I ask curiously. I lick some coffee off my hand, and I earn a you're doing something weird but you're Juliette so I'm not going to question it look from Ana.

"To buy cornmeal. What do you think I'm doing here?" She takes a gulp from her own coffee mug.

"To buy cornmeal, duh," I reply, biting back a smile.

"You're so stupid," she laughs.

"Thank you," I say. "I'm glad you think so highly of me."

She flips her hair back. "Of course you are."

Ana finishes her drink long before I do, even with my mug half empty from spilling it. She still sits and talks with me, which is why I love her so much. I can always talk to her.

I could go on forever about Ana being my best friend, and I'm sure she wouldn't mind me telling her how amazing she is, but I still haven't told her about Dylan. I've heard her talk about Teen Wolf plenty of times, so I'm positive she knows who he is. I also know she'll want to meet him. I hope Dylan will be okay with that, because Ana would probably break a door down for the chance to see him in real life.

"I got a boyfriend," I begin.


"His name is Dylan O'Brien."

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