ten: mason

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It's dinnertime by the time Dylan and I finish decorating. Our Christmas tree touches the ceiling it's so tall. Colorful lights along with plain white ones decorate its branches. Ornaments, homemade and store-bought, hang from every space that would otherwise be empty. It looks like someone threw up Christmas spirit all over it. It's the most hideous tree I've seen in my entire life, but it's also the most beautiful.

For dinner, we eat peanut butter sandwiches, then we retire to the couch to watch some TV shows, like Supernatural and Game of Thrones. I make sure to get the vodka and shot glasses.

"Every time someone swears, you take a shot," Dylan says, knowing I'm loving it.

"Every time a character dies, you have to take a shot," I reply.

"Shit," Dylan mumbles, clicking the first episode of Supernatural.

"Did you say that just so I had to take a shot?" I laugh.

He glances at me with a huge smile on his face. "Maybe."

I don't even bother with the shot glass, I just take a sip right from the bottle. It burns my throat. "Dylan, we're gonna be hammered."

He sits next to me on the couch. "I know."

About ten episodes later, my head is pressing into his chest. We both had lied down. Dylan's arm was wrapped around my waist. At this point, we'd drank about a fourth of the bottle of vodka. It's also about three in the morning.

"Are you asleep?" Dylan whispers in my ear.

"No," I reply. I flip over.

He kisses me gently on the lips. I kiss him back, running my fingers through his soft hair. He rubs my back with his free hand. My hands find the hem of his shirt, and I start to pull it off. Dylan helps me with that. He tosses it over the back of the couch.

My hands rub up and down his warm back as his kisses get rougher. He starts to pull off my shirt, and I gladly let him. I discard the fabric to the side.

Dylan's hands find the clasp of my bra just as my phone buzzes. "Dang it," I mumble, ready to decline the call. Then I see the caller. It's from the hospital, and I immediately understand what's happening. "Hello?" I ask.

"Is this Juliette Lesser?"  A woman asks me.

"Yep," I reply anxiously.

"I have a message from Ana. She's about to have the baby, and she wants you to check your texts. Got it?"

"Yeah, thank you!" I hang up quickly and check my texts. My phone was on silent, so I didn't hear any of them go off.

I explain what's happening to Dylan and read him the texts out loud. "This one says, 'oh shit juliette the babys coming and idk where luke is  can you try to find him he went out with the band to some bar'."

I text her back saying yes and I'll let her know if anything happens.

"Dylan, I have to go clubbing, but you can stay here. Or you can go to the hospital."

"Juliette, you're hammered right now. I can't let you go clubbing alone." He hands me my shirt.

"I'm not changing out of these," I reply, motioning towards my sweats. "You're about to fall asleep, just stay here, okay?"

Dylan reluctantly agrees to stay. I throw on a pair of flats and a coat and march into the streets.

The freezing air stings my face, waking me up from my warm, fuzzy make out session with Dylan. My footsteps waver a bit, but I'm not so drunk to where I don't know what I'm doing.

I reach the nearest club and bust through the doors. There's a blur of motion. Two burly guys want to see my driver's license. Music blares in my ears. All around me, couples passionately make out, pushing each other into the walls, the floors, and each other.

I push through the loud, rowdy crowd, searching for the Luke and his band members. All around me, I see girls in party dresses, and guys in messy dress clothes. The lights blind me, making it difficult to see anyone's faces. The alcohol blurs everyone together. The crowd is more like a mass of flesh and sweat than a bunch of people.

I search and search until I'm sure the boys aren't there, then I move on to the next club. I look for them until the last club closes at 6AM.

I buy a cup of coffee to go and rush to Ana and Luke's house. Maybe he'll be there, since he wasn't at any of the clubs I tried. I reach the house at just a few seconds before Luke does. He's a mess. I walk up to him and slap him across the face.

"I can't believe you. Go get changed, we're going to the hospital."

"W-what?" He stammers.

"Ana went into labor like four hours ago. Hurry up!"

His eyes get big really quickly, then he rushes to his house, returning not two minutes later wearing different clothes. He also has a backpack. "Juliette, Ana is going to kill me," he says as we walk to the hospital. Luke is almost running, and I'm taking huge steps to keep up with him.

"She's going to kill you if you miss this, so you better hope they let you in."

"Why wouldn't they let me in?"

"Some places only let in direct family members."

"You're telling me this now? Oh gosh..."

"Your girlfriend is eight and a half months pregnant and you decide to go clubbing?" I snap. That shuts him up pretty quickly.

We reach the hospital and check in by seven, but we have to wait for our turn since there's so many people. They tell Luke he has to fill out a bunch of paperwork, but I end up filling it in for him because his hands are shaking so badly. That takes another hour itself.

Just as we complete the paperwork, a nurse says, "Where's the Nourishad family?"

About twenty people jump out of their seats.

"I have good news! Ana just gave birth to a healthy baby boy. You're welcome to come back four at a time in a couple minutes. We just have to finish a couple more things. I'll let you all know!" She explains cheerily. When she turns to leave, Luke follows her and doesn't come back when the nurse does. I guess they let him in.

Ana's family obviously gets to see her first, so I let them go. I text Dylan to tell him I'm okay, then I go to find more coffee. I've been awake for almost a full 24 hours, and I'm use to getting about 12 hours of sleep a day. I'm utterly exhausted.

I'm the last person to see Ana, and I end up going by myself, which is fine with me. I'm led into a small room. It has a bed and a chair inside, with Ana occupying the bed, and Luke sitting I the chair. I can't decide who looks more tired, but they both look unbelievably happy. "Juliette!" Ana chirps, which is uncomfortably unlike her. "Want to hold Mason?" She gently hands me the sleeping baby.

Mason opens his big blue eyes and stares at me. He has little tufts of blonde hair on his head.

"He's adorable," I say with a smile.

"Well duh. He has good genes. Luke and I can't create an ugly baby. It's genetically impossible," she snorts, like that much was obvious. There's a new light in her eyes that I can only describe as happiness, but there should be a stronger word.

I'm just glad everything turned out okay.

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