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I don't know how I expected all of this to end.

I guess I thought I would plan the wedding, and Dylan and I would get married, and maybe we would settle down and have kids or something. That's what was suppose to happen, right? He was never suppose to leave me. He wasn't suppose to break off our engagement or take my ring back. He was suppose to love me until one of us died.

He didn't.

As for what really happened between us? It was kind of a mess. I woke up from my coma about 5 days after I was shot, and I fully recovered from the incident physically. My body was repaired.

My mental state was not so good. Knowing that the entire family in the antique shop that day was dead because of me didn't help. I was super jumpy and skittish and paranoid. My whole personality changed. I didn't want to be touched and I didn't want to leave the house. Seeing other people made me very nervous, even seeing Dylan. Even seeing guns on TV bothered me. I couldn't walk ten feet without glancing behind me. I started therapy, but I was afraid of my therapist. It didn't help much. I'd changed, and I was just going to have to adapt.

I guess I couldn't expect Dylan to love me after that, but I did. I thought he'd except that I'd changed. I thought we would get through together. Instead, he said he didn't know me anymore. I wasn't the same girl he'd fallen for. She was gone when that shot was fired into her stomach.

Dylan only stayed with me for a couple months after we both realized I was never going to be my old self again. I remember the day very clearly. It was beautiful and sunny. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. Anyone would say that something good was destined to happen that day, but instead, he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "Juliette, I don't love you anymore."

Dylan told me why. He told me that I wasn't the same. He didn't want to be with someone who didn't trust him fully. Of course, I don't blame him, because I would have done the same in his place, but it still hurt more than any bullet wound ever could. Just thinking about him was sheer agony.

Even though he hurt me, Dylan taught me a lot about myself. I mean, he dated me for months. He thought I was prettiest with no makeup on and with my thick, curly hair. He cared about me after I sobbed on his shoulder with no explanation, and didn't push me when I told him why. Dylan drove me out if the city, into places I would never go unless it were for him. He showed me things I never would have thought to look for. He taught me that I could be loved for exactly who I am. Even now, when I'm not the same, I still believe that because of him.

It's been years now, and I guess I've moved on. I don't really think about Dylan anymore. That part of my life is far behind me. I have a new job and a new haircut and new brands of makeup. I painted the walls of my house a new color and I bought a new comforter. I changed everything so nothing triggers thoughts of him anymore. I changed everything so I could start fresh. It works.

I've also gotten better mentally. The paranoia has died down quite a bit. I can speak to people without being horrified of them and guns don't freak me out so much. I've accepted the fate of that family, and I've accepted that maybe it wasn't really my fault. I wasn't the one who pulled that trigger, I was just the reason someone else pulled that trigger. It's still bad, but not as.

I don't have a new boyfriend or husband or any kids, but I do take care of Jayden's and Ana's sons a lot, and Ana's new daughter Sydney. It's nice to babysit them. I've gotten to know my nephew, and the kids my future children will be close to. Both Jayden and Ana's families are doing well, and they seem very happy. I may not have Dylan anymore, but I do have them.

For now, that's enough.

Hey guys! I was really back and forth on how to end this story, and this is what I ended up with. I'm sorry to end it so abruptly! Thank you for reading it anyways, you guys really mean a lot to me. :)

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