The Party (extra chapter)

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Hey guys!! I was sitting in class earlier today (when I was supposed to be doing math, but I didn't have the motivation to do it. That and I didn't want to) and this idea came to me. This chapter has nothing to do with what's going on in the story right now. Enjoy!!!!!

I sadly do not own Naruto. Only Neji and Orochimaru's hair.

3rd person pov

It was a rather boring day in the Leaf Village. No one had any missions to do and there wasn't anything to do. Lady Tsunade was pacing around in her office, trying to figure out what to do. "Aaaaaaaaagh!!!!!!" she yelled as she flipped a table and papers flew everywhere. Shizune (did I spell that right?) ran into the office. "What was that?!" she cried out. Tsunade simply ran her hand through her hair. "I need a drink." she said as she reached for a bottle of sake. Her eyes widened as a brilliant idea came to her.....

*Later at the training grounds*

"Good news, my youthful students!! Lady Tsunade has come up with an excellent idea to beat this unyouthful boredom!!" Gai yelled, flashing a shiny smile at his students. Enigma visibly shuddered. Lee jumped up with excitement. "What is this brilliant idea of hers?" Lee asked with glee. "I'm glad you asked, Lee. Lady Tsunade is hosting a block party and we are all invited!" Gai boomed, busting a "youthful" pose.

*At the party*

Team Gai, Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai, and a few others showed up. "Alright, listen up! There's booze over there," Tsunade said, gesturing at a table behind her, "and other food and drinks and stuff over there. Have fun everyone!"

*An hour later*

All of the adults were talking to each other and drinking sake. Everyone else looked bored. Konahamaru (sp?) smirked and held in a laugh. In his hand, he held a bottle of sake. He quietly tiptoed over to the bowl of punch, careful not to trip on his scarf, and poured the entire bottle into the punch. He giggled mischievously and waited for the fun to begin......

*Several cups of punch later*

"Woooooooo!!!" yelled a very drunk Kakashi from the top op a table. He was dancing sexily on a table and removing his shirt. "Take it off~ allOfIT -hic- yeeeeeeah!!!!!" slurred a drunk Gai, holding a wad of cash in his hands.

"You wAnna fight meh? Do ya think youuu can take meOn?" Tsunade yelled at a small child. The little boy cried and ran away. "Cooome baaaaAAAAAAAck -hic- you cOwaaard!!" she yelled, chasing after the poor boy.

Neji was sitting under a tree with a huge smile on his face. Every now and then, he'd look at Enigma, who was yelling at people in Spanish, and would giggle. He'd blow kisses at her and hug himself. Every time she'd even glance at him, Neji would squeal like a fangirl and would hug himself.

Gaara was swaying, trying to stand up. "Guuuuuys!!! -hic- waaaatchsssssh thiiiis!!! Imma do a flip!!! Imma do a fucking triple backflip and its gOOOOOnna kick ass!! -hic- waatchssssh me!! One! Two!" -thud- Before Gaara could even try to do a flip, he passed out on the ground.

Sasuke finally seemed to become intoxicated from the spiked punch. He began to look at his hands. His eyes widened. "W-what's this?!" His hands traveled to his chest. "I... I have boobs! I'm a girl!!" He began to grope his nonexistent chest. While he was doing that, Naruto waddled his way to Sasuke. "Duuuude you have boobs!!! -gasp- Holy ramen!! I have boobs too!!!" Naruto also groped his nonexistent chest. The two boys compared each other's boobs.

Sai watched Naruto and Sasuke groping their boobs and looked down at his chest. He let out a whimper. "-sniffle- My boobs are so smaaaaaall!!!!" Sai let out a wail and curled himself into a fetal

position. "Why can't I have booooooooobs?!!! T^T"

Konahamaru was cracking up behind a bush. Kakashi was still stripping while Gai watched. Tsunade was challenging children and eventually passed out on Shizune. Neji was still fanboying over Enigma. Enigma was yelling at people in Russian and throwing chickens at them. Sasuke and Naruto are now comparing the size of their butts. And Sai moved onto crying in a corner.

Hehe random, I know, but I liked it. What'd you guys think? Should I write more of these random extra chapters more often or should I just stop?

I'd like to thank everyone who has read this story and has stuck with me since the beginning. You guys are awesome! The other day, I was looking at my stories and I noticed that Enigmatic Love has over 3,000 reads!! I was truly amazed! I honestly never thought that that many people would even bother to look at my story. This is all thanks to you guys. I love you all so very much!!!! If you would like to speak to me outside of here, I have a Facebook where you can contact me. I you want to be friends on there, simply inbox me and it shall be done!! Ummm I think thats about it for now. I love you all!!



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2013 ⏰

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