I quickly glance from across the gym to the seniors as the school assembly happens. While the principal welcomed the 1st years my eyes finally land on him, Semi Eita, my now 3rd year upperclassman. I don't know when these feelings happened, maybe it was gradually, but all I know was that it started last year. Though he isn't my first crush, he's the one with the biggest impact. Always embarrassing myself in front of him.
I wish I could just ignore him, I tried waiting for my feelings to go away but nothing happened. After looking back to last year, I can't help but feel I gave of a creepy vibe. I feel horrible if I made him like that. I try not to stare too much and act like I don't care about him.
He probably thinks I'm a creep. I hate having a crush. I hate how I act when I have a crush. I wish I could act normal around him.. I hate having a crush on my Senpai..