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Chapter 2 : The Edge of Tolerance

The sun was already climbing higher as Verena woke from a fitful sleep in her SUV. The rumble of Onyx's playful nudging brought her back to the present. She stretched, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, and let out a contented sigh. The world outside had become a quiet place of uneasy peace, and she knew she had to make the most of it.

As she grabbed her gear and stepped out of the SUV, Onyx prancing beside her, the camp was abuzz with the usual morning activity. Carol was preparing breakfast, while Andrea and Amy were engaged in conversation nearby. Verena took a deep breath, savoring the crisp morning air and the faint scent of bacon sizzling over the fire.

A sudden, unexpected knock on her door jolted her from her morning routine. She frowned and opened the door to find a young Korean man standing there, looking a bit uncertain. He was carrying a small bag slung over one shoulder, and his eyes darted around nervously.

"Morning," Verena said, her voice friendly but cautious. "Can I help you with something?"

The man took a deep breath and introduced himself. "Hey, I'm Glenn. Glenn Rhee. I've seen you around camp, but we haven't really met yet."

Verena nodded, stepping out of her car. "Nice to meet you, Glenn. I'm Verena. What's up?"

Glenn rubbed the back of his neck, looking slightly embarrassed. "I wanted to say hi. And maybe thank you for being here. I mean, everyone's been kind of tense, and I thought it'd be good to have a chat."

Verena chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, aren't you a breath of fresh air. And you don't need to thank me. I'm just here trying to survive like everyone else."

Glenn grinned. "Yeah, well, it's not every day you meet someone who's got their act together. I used to be a pizza delivery guy before all this. Never thought I'd end up here, you know?"

Verena raised an eyebrow. "Pizza delivery guy, huh? I bet you had some wild stories from that job. Ever have to dodge any angry customers?"

Glenn laughed, a genuine, carefree sound. "Oh, definitely. But nothing like dodging walkers. Those guys are a whole different level of trouble."

As they chatted, Verena could see how the tension in Glenn's shoulders eased. She decided to break the ice with a joke. "So, Glenn, did you ever imagine delivering pizzas to a place like this? I mean, do you think anyone's even craving pepperoni anymore?"

Glenn burst out laughing. "I think we'd be better off with a side of brains right now. But I'm really glad to have met you. It's good to have someone around who can crack a smile."

Verena nodded, her gaze drifting to the campfire where Shane, Dale, Amy, Andrea, T-Dog, and Jacqui were gathered. She noted Shane's usual swagger and the intense, secretive glances exchanged between him and Lori. Verena's perceptive nature made her wary. She decided to keep her observations to herself for now.

"Come on," she said to Glenn. "Let's grab some breakfast. You can tell me more about those pizza delivery stories."

As they made their way to the fire, Verena was met with a warm, albeit wary, reception from the group. She sat down with Glenn, offering a friendly smile to the others. Carol was busy preparing a pot of coffee, and she gave Verena a nod of acknowledgment.

"Morning, Verena," Carol said, her voice soft. "How's everything?"

"Morning, Carol," Verena replied. "Everything's good. Just had a nice chat with Glenn here about his pizza days."

Carol's smile widened, though it was tinged with a hint of sadness. "That sounds nice. I miss the simpler times."

Sophia, ever curious, ran up to Verena and tugged at her sleeve. "Can we play hide and seek later?"

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