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Chapter 7: Rooftop Confrontation

Rick's breath came in quick, shallow bursts as he followed Glenn and Verena up the series of ladders. The cityscape of Atlanta sprawled beneath them, filled with the haunting echoes of the undead. They moved quickly, knowing every second counted.

As they reached the top of the final ladder, Verena and Glenn helped Rick over the edge. Before them was another building, a clothing store where the rest of the group was holed up. Relief flickered briefly in Rick's eyes, but it was short-lived.

Just as they were about to cross into the safety of the store, two walkers appeared from the shadows, their decaying forms lurching toward them. Verena instinctively reached for her weapon, ready to take them down, but before she could act, T-Dog and Morales burst onto the scene. With quick, practiced efficiency, they dispatched the walkers and ushered the trio inside.

As soon as they stepped into the store, the tension in the air became palpable. Andrea, her face tight with fear and anger, had a gun pointed directly at Rick's face.

"You drew them right to us!" Andrea hissed, her voice shaking.

Rick froze, hands instinctively rising in surrender, but before he could speak, Verena stepped forward, placing herself between Rick and the barrel of Andrea's gun.

"Andrea, put the gun down," Verena said firmly, her eyes locking onto Andrea's with a fierce intensity. "He's not the enemy here."

For a tense moment, Andrea hesitated, her finger trembling on the trigger. But finally, with a reluctant sigh, she lowered the gun. Verena nodded, a silent thank you passing between them.

But just as the tension began to ease, the sharp crack of a gunshot echoed through the building. The sound reverberated off the walls, sending a shiver down everyone's spine. Verena's jaw clenched as she recognized the source of the noise.

"Merle," she muttered with a mix of frustration and anger. "That son of a bitch."

Without waiting for a response, Verena stormed toward the roof access, the others hot on her heels. As they emerged onto the rooftop, they found Merle Dixon, rifle in hand, firing shot after shot at the walkers below, his laughter echoing in the open air.

"Merle, stop it!" Rick shouted, but Merle only turned to them with a sneer.

"What's the matter? Afraid of a little noise?" Merle taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance.

"Put the gun down, Merle," Verena demanded, her voice low and dangerous. But Merle wasn't having any of it. He swung the rifle back up, but before he could fire another shot, T-Dog stepped forward, attempting to wrestle the gun away from him.

"Get off me, you damn n****r!" Merle spat, shoving T-Dog back with a vicious snarl.

That was the breaking point. Verena's eyes flashed with rage, and she launched herself at Merle. Her fist slammed into his nose with a sickening crunch, the force of the blow sending blood spraying across his face. Merle staggered, clutching his nose, which was now a broken, bloody mess.

"¡Cabrón estúpido! ¿Te crees intocable? ¡Vas a aprender hoy!" Verena shouted, her words sharp as knives. (Subtitle: "Stupid bastard! You think you're untouchable? You're gonna learn today!")

Morales, standing nearby, couldn't suppress a chuckle, fully understanding Verena's harsh words. "She's not wrong," he muttered under his breath.

Seizing the moment of distraction, Rick stepped forward and delivered a hard punch to Merle's jaw, sending him crashing to the ground. Before Merle could recover, Rick pulled out a pair of handcuffs and swiftly secured him to a metal pipe.

"You're a danger to everyone here, Merle," Rick said coldly.

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