Chapter Four

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The morning after their victory was a peaceful one, with the sun casting a gentle light across the camp. The once oppressive heat of Gluttony’s lair was replaced by a refreshing breeze that stirred the ashes of the previous day's battle. The survivors began their day with a sense of cautious relief, knowing that for the first time in a while, they had a full day without the threat of immediate danger.

Joshua and Dexter set to work, their movements purposeful as they attended to their gear. Joshua’s hands, though weathered and rough, worked with practiced ease to repair torn clothing and damaged equipment. Dexter, equally focused, examined their remaining supplies, ensuring they were well-stocked and ready for the journey back to their next destination. Their diligence was a testament to their resilience and preparation.

As Joshua and Dexter worked on their gear, the steady rhythm of their efforts filled the quiet morning. Joshua, sewing a tear in his jacket, broke the silence. "You did well in the fight yesterday, Dexter. Didn’t expect you to get so close to Gluttony."

Dexter looked up from the pile of weapons he was inspecting. "I didn’t expect to either. Had to be done, though. We needed every hand we could get."

Joshua nodded thoughtfully, pausing his stitching. "You know, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you so engaged. You’ve been holding back a lot lately. What’s on your mind?"

Dexter sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It’s just… I keep thinking about what’s ahead. This fight with Gluttony was tough, but we still have six more sins to face. And who knows what else is out there."

Joshua’s eyes met Dexter’s with a reassuring look. "We’ve faced challenges before and come out stronger. We’ll get through this too. Just keep your focus. It’s easy to get overwhelmed if you let your mind wander too far ahead."

Dexter nodded, a hint of a smile breaking through his worried expression. "Thanks, Joshua. I guess I needed to hear that."

Joshua clapped Dexter on the back, then resumed his work. "Anytime. And remember, we’re a team. We face it all together."

Dexter glanced over at Joshua, his expression softening. "Yeah, I get that. It’s just sometimes it feels like we’re carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders."

Joshua nodded, his gaze steady. "We are. But we also have each other to lean on. That’s something worth fighting for."

Dexter tightened a bolt on a weapon, his hands moving with practiced precision. "You know, I’ve been thinking about what Anakin said. About this journey and what’s coming next. It’s a lot to take in."

Joshua looked up, curiosity in his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, Anakin’s so focused, so driven. I admire that, but it makes me wonder how we’re all supposed to keep up. What if we’re not enough?"

Joshua’s expression grew serious. "We are enough. We have our strengths, and we have each other. Anakin’s vision might be guiding him, but it doesn’t mean we’re left behind. We all play a part in this."

Dexter nodded, absorbing Joshua’s words. "I hope you’re right. I really do."

Joshua finished his repairs and set aside his tools. "You’ve got to believe it, Dexter. That’s the only way we’ll get through this. Trust in each other and in what we’re fighting for."

Dexter gave a small, appreciative smile. "Thanks, Joshua. For everything."

Joshua returned the smile, then turned his attention back to his gear. "We’ve got a long road ahead, but we’ll face it together. Now, let’s get these repairs done and enjoy the rest of the day."

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