Chapter Six

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Anakin slowly awoke to the soft, inviting aroma of breakfast cooking over the campfire. For a moment, he lay still, his eyes closed, savoring the peacefulness of the morning. He could hear the gentle crackling of the fire and the occasional clink of cooking utensils. Reluctant to get up, he remained in his bedroll, his mind still lingering in the haze of sleep.

From his vantage point, he could see Belle outside the tent. Her brown hair flowed gently in the morning breeze, catching the light and shimmering with hues of chestnut and gold. The sun, now fully risen, cast a warm, golden glow over her, highlighting the delicate pallor of her skin. Each subtle movement she made seemed graceful and serene, framed by the soft light of dawn.

Anakin watched as Belle expertly managed the cooking, her hands moving with practiced ease. The way the sunlight played across her features, the gentle curve of her smile as she hummed softly to herself—everything seemed to glow with an almost ethereal quality.

His thoughts drifted, momentarily lost in admiration of the scene before him. He noticed the small details—the way her hair caught the light, the way her eyes sparkled with quiet determination, the soft lines of her profile. For a fleeting moment, the harsh reality of their situation felt distant, replaced by the simple, serene beauty of the morning and Belle’s presence within it.

He sighed softly, a mix of appreciation and affection settling in his chest. It was a rare moment of peace, and he allowed himself to fully absorb it, grateful for the small reprieve amidst their ongoing struggles.

Anakin finally decided to get up, his admiration for Belle still fresh in his mind. He stretched and shook off the remnants of sleep before emerging from his bedroll. As he walked over to where Belle was cooking, he made an effort to mask his lingering blush from his earlier reverie.

“Morning, Belle,” he said with a warm smile, his voice carrying a hint of the softness he felt in his heart.

Belle looked up from her cooking, her expression brightening at the sight of him. “Good morning, Anakin. Did you sleep well?”

“I did, thanks,” he replied, settling down beside her. “You’re up early.”

Belle chuckled, stirring the contents of the pan. “Just wanted to make sure we had a good start to the day. We’ve got a long journey ahead of us.”

Anakin nodded, appreciating her effort. “It smells great. Thank you for taking care of breakfast.”

She glanced at him, her eyes warm. “It’s the least I can do. We’re all in this together.”

Anakin helped set up the rest of the camp as Belle finished cooking, his gaze occasionally drifting toward her. The morning’s quiet moments were a welcome contrast to the battles they had faced, and he savored the brief respite they had before the next challenge.

As Belle finished cooking, she began to serve breakfast. Anakin joined the others around the campfire, taking a seat and grabbing a plate. The group exchanged morning greetings, the atmosphere more relaxed than it had been in days.

Joshua, still groggy, gave Anakin a nod. "Morning, Anakin. How’s the rest treating you?"

"Feeling refreshed," Anakin replied, his gaze occasionally shifting to Belle as she moved around the camp.

Dexter, already halfway through his meal, glanced at Anakin. “Anything interesting happen in your dreams?”

Anakin hesitated, then shook his head. “Nothing worth mentioning. Just the usual.”

Belle, serving the last of the food, caught Anakin’s eye and offered a reassuring smile. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. We’ve got a busy day ahead, but let’s enjoy this breakfast first.”

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