Chapter 7: Invasion

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Y/N's Age: 17

Location: League of Assassins HQ, Somewhere in Egypt
Date: May 4th, 2012

I was standing my room, a nice room all things considered but dark besides the TV. It was flickering with static with the occasional feed, that of an alien invasion. It was of course happening in New York like it was one of those mediocre movies.

I didn't understand all that was happening, but I recognized someone, or something... a man dressed like a bat was seen in the feed alongside a giant green man, a metal man, a walking American propaganda, a blonde man with a hammer, an archer and a redhead with guns.

That Batman, why does he look so familiar? I couldn't understand and I couldn't remember anything from before I awoke with the League. As I continued to study the live footage, I heard the door to my room open.

I turned around to see a familiar face, her name was Talia Al Ghul, and she was accompanied by two members of League, masked. "Ah the Avengers Initiative, a supposed idea to bring together a group of skilled individuals" she says as she notices the TV

"Our ground forces can make use of this invasion, like we did with the P.E.G.A.S.U.S. attack" she snaps her fingers and one of the masked League members walked up and placed a box on the nearby table and opened it

I walked up to it to notice a red mask and an outfit to go with it, "prototype armor, courtesy of P.E.G.A.S.U.S." she states before walking up to the table and grabbing the mask, it's a bright red with white eyes, it shines as if it's made of some kind of steel or hard plastic, and as I look at the mask a memory, or vision plays out in my head...

I see a man in a tuxedo with a red helmet looking on at a building, the building explodes, and he takes his helmet off with a laugh and as he does his face is a pale white. He has an over exaggerated smile with bright red make up and lipstick, his eyes are a bright green that pierces me... The Joker

"This mask will be a symbol to bring a new sense of fear to Chicago, one that will be a warning of the League of Assassins" Talia states, causing me to come back to reality and look up her blank face that soon lights up


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