Chapter 2

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I was sitting in my bed, sulking and thinking of what to do. My mom was out with my brother doing some last minute shopping, so I was the only one left in my house.

Only a day left for the vacation, it was all I could think of. My mind was buzzing with reminders of things to bring and with all the lists I memorized the night before of the best places to dine in Miami. I knew preparing for a trip was hard, but man this is some hardcore preparation! I knew it was hard work, but all of this was going to pay off once we're there.

Talking about paying, I decided to double-check if my mom had done all the payments correctly when I heard my phone's ringtone go off. I wanted to let the call go to the answering machine, but the sound of Apache war cries was hard to ignore.

I threw myself at the edge of the bed to where my phone was currently at. Taking a brief look at the screen, I immediately knew it was my mom, so I quickly answered it.

"Hey mom!" I briefly greeted.
"Hi honey. I'm calling to see if its okay to you if I invite Sarah, a friend of mine, to the vacation? I'm sorry for the short notice, but I just bumped into her here at the store and she was with her son. I know you too get along very well so I thought, why not? It could be nice to have some additional company."

I contemplated the question for a moment. Sarah O'Reilly was relatively fun person. Plus her 8-year old son, Jackie, was such a cutie. And Sarah's husband too wasn't such a drag. We would make a great bunch. One of the cons would be that the vacation will lose its family quality, but hey! The more the merrier , right? I also thought about my mom, and how hard she worked to make this happen. She really needed to get compensated in some way, and this was the perfect thing.

"Sure mom! Having them tag along with us is no problem at all." I replied.
"Oh Diana, you're the best! Love you!" I was about to hang up, when I heard her desperate voice calling me. "Oh wait, before you go, did you finish packing?"

"Sure thing mom. Down to every last detail." I proudly answered back.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive." I stated confidently and hung up.


To say that my house looked like a petting zoo on the morning we were leaving was a pretty accurate description. With my brother flying around, trying to pack his bag with everything he thought he needed plus half of his room, and my mom going frantic about every little detail, this was truly a sight worth seeing.

Meanwhile, I was seating on the couch, with my things neatly packed on the edge of the living room, every last detail done and taken care of. Hey, call me a neat freak, but its better to be safe than sorry.

My mom and brother somehow managed to get things done and we were in no time driving to the airport. I have to admit, this is pretty exciting, but also pretty nervous about the plane. You see, I have really bad luck when it comes to planes. Usually they either lose my bags or there is bad weather, therefore causing a lot of turbulence. But I, being a collected individual, vow to try and not freak out this time.

My thoughts quickly vanished when my mom finished parking her car. We got out and unloaded out suitcases, walking slowly but steadily to the entrance. Mother said earlier at home that the O'Reilly's will be waiting for us near the entrance, so I had an eye looking out for them.

"Oh hi Sarah, hi!" My mother called behind me. I turned around to greet them, and a pair of brown eyes caught my gaze. I quickly recognized that mischievous look and almost dropped the coffee I was holding.

Remember yesterday when I told my mom that I had packed everything I needed and that I was positively prepared? Well apparently that was incorrect, as nothing could prepare me for what I was seeing.

Standing in front of me, in all his pride and glory, was the smirking figure of the male specimen I despised the most: Drew Thompson.

Oy vey.

A/N hello guys!! We hope you like this chapter. Please remember to comment and vote! Love you guys! ;) <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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