Chapter 4

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A few day has passed of us twins getting our gray tails and ears, and we still couldn't get over about how we looked so much like our Father now. Midnight and I were a little disappointed that we didn't get the ears and tail colors we wanted, but Father says that our people always get color pelts that are real to wolves in nature. I was wandering around the front yard, and watching the birds fly above the trees, and the butterflies flying low to the ground and in the trees. It was so peaceful here. I felt the wind pick up a little to create a breeze that blew in my hair and the fur on my tail. Midnight walked out of the house, and playfully pushed me to the ground. I started laughing, and so did she as we started to chase each other into the forest.

Our little chase was becoming more and more fun as we ran, but we didn't even noticed that we had run so far from the mansion that we couldn't see it through the brush. I tackled Midnight and we went tumbling into a clearing, stopping in the middle of it and laughing when we did. I stood up and looked around, not seeing any sign of the mansion anywhere. Midnight noticed too and stood up as well. "We're lost!" She said in a panic, grabbing my arm and hugging me, as I hugged her back. "We should have watched where we were running." I said looking around, seeing all of the trees, and all looking the same as the one before it.

A rustling in the bushes behind us caught our attention, and we both huddled together and sat on the ground when both our knees gave out from our fear. A large brown wolf stepped out and looked at both of us. By now Midnight and I were whimpering and shaking at the size of the wolf. He stepped closer to us and sniffed the air around us and started growling lowly. Midnight and I screamed when the wolf lunged at us, but then all was quiet. I looked up and saw Father standing in front of us and Owa was with him, then the wolf bowed and changed into a wolf person like us. "You should not attack my children Bramble. A wolf is not to attack children." Father said sternly to the person in front of us. "Forgive me Shadow. I was not aware that you, a friend, and your children would be visiting." Bramble said and looked at us. Father and Owa both looked at us with a stern looks on their faces, most likely from us being so far from the mansion. And being out here without permission. My ears went back, as did Midnight's, and we stood up from where we were.

Father was about to say something when a chuckle interrupted him. He turned to the sound, as did the rest of us."Hello Shadow. It's been too long." A man said as he stepped into the clearing. He had dark gray hair and ears with a dark gray tail, and was wearing some robes that made him look very important. Father smiled a little when looking at the new man, and stepped up to him. They both hugged and laughed, and Midnight and I looked at one another. "Kids, this is your uncle." Father said introducing us to the man.

Our new Uncle, Shade, as he is called, lead all of us, including the brown wolf to a camp with many other people who had ears and tails of wolves like us. Uncle Shade had turned into a wolf to lead us into the camp, and I looked up to the sky to remember that it was still daytime. As I wondered why he was able to change into a wolf during the day, Owa looked to me and answered my unspoken question. "He is able to change into a wolf during the day, because he has found an inner strength to help him." She said with a smile. I smiled back and couldn't wait to change into a wolf myself.


Shadow's P.O.V.


I had told Owa and the twins to mingle with the pack, seeing as it's been years since Owa and I have seen them, and it was Midnight's and River's first time here. "Shadow. I need to talk with you." Shade said, leading me into the den that was now his. I still remember from our childhood, of the one who killed our Father and pretended to be him. It makes me sick to think about what he wanted to do to the world, and even to the lives of everyone and every creature on the planet.

(A Mother's Love) Midnight's and River's MoonWhere stories live. Discover now