Chapter 3

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A couple years had finally passed for everyone in the woods, and Midnight and I had turned six in the winter. We both knew that it was finally time for us to gain our ears and tails. Father and Grandfather were talking about it the other night before it was bedtime. They had decided that it was about time that we went to the tree of Tsukiakari to gain them. We could barely hold our excitement, if that was the correct word for it.

Midnight and I, from that day to our birthday, were barely able to stay in one place for long because of how excited we were to be growing big enough, and soon enough to become a wolf like Father. "I want to be a bright pink wolf!" Midnight said to me as we waited for our Grandfather and Father to come back from their hunting trip. Father would always hunt for elk, and bring the fresh meat for Granduncle Offender to cook up for us, and would give the organs to a boy I saw with a blue mask, and black eyes. "I want to be a strong blue wolf!" I said with excitement in my voice as we both looked out the window for our Father and Grandfather to return. A chuckle came from behind us, and we turned around to see it was our Godmother Owa. "Are you both excited?" She asked and bent down to our height. I had always wondered why everyone in the house but Father were so tall. But I know that it doesn't mean I love them any less. "We can't wait! Where are Grandfather and Father?" I wined and tried to get a better look by opening the window covered in frost. I looked out and saw them returning, without a kill though. We learned later that, Grandfather and Father chose to take us to the tree of Tsukiakari during the spring, so as to be sure it has full strength for the both of us when we get our tails and ears.

Finally, the time had come. The flowers, the trees, the grass, and the birds were all alive with joy as we walked side by side to the tree. Me on the middle right, Grandfather to my right, Midnight next to me, and our Father next to her on the left. All of us was were very excited for being old enough to get our ears and tails. It felt like ages as we walked through the woods that our Grandfather protected, and us twins saw why he did. The forest was a beautiful place for us to live, no loud noises, no commotion, it was perfect. I noticed one or twice, strange papers hanging on the trees, and I wanted to see what they were, but Grandfather said along the way that I would learn when I'm older. Ages passed when we finally reached the sunny clearing with the large tree. We barely held our excitement back, as Midnight and I ran to the tree.

We felt tendrils wrap around our waists, stopping us from running, and heard chuckling come from both our Grandfather and Father. "Grandfather!" We wined, trying to get out of his grip. "Let us go!" Midnight said. "We wanna get our ears together!" I said after her. "Don't worry you both will." Father said walking to the tree. We were still held back as he walked up to the tree, slowly as if to remember something. When he got there, he placed his right hand on the bark of the tree, and I saw his crescent moon marking. The mark that is used for the marking of a tribe. I remember all the times he told us that story of how he got his ears and tail. And telling us of the first time he changed into a wolf during the night.

Grandfather walked to the tree as well, still holding us, then using the tendrils that kept us from rushing to the tree, he placed us in the hole on the trunk of the tree. We both looked out to see how high we were, and both of us got scared. Midnight grabbed onto me, and I grabbed onto her. Both of us shaking in our skins. "Don't worry you two. Once you touch the wolf in the back of the hole together, your Grandfather will catch you both with his tendrils." Father said to us. Grandfather nodded after the comment, and had his tendrils near the tree to catch us. We both nodded to them, then turned around to see the wolf carving.

Seeing the wolf carved into the wood, I could only imagine what the legendary moon spirit looked like, as could my sister. "Ready brother?" She asked me and put her right hand out. I nodded. "I'm ready sister." I smiled and put my left hand out. Our hands kept at our sides, holding each other. We then, at the same time, placed our outstretched hands on the carving. We both shrieked, pulled our hands back, and fell out of the tree. And as promised by Father, Grandfather caught us, and we passed out after the tendrils pulled us safely to the warm bodies of our Father and Grandfather.

I opened my eyes after a bit, but I noticed that I wasn't home. I was in a tall, grassy field, with some plant eating animals grazing around. The grass was tall enough to hide a sleeping person who was laying down, I should know because Midnight soon joined me with sitting up and looking around. We both saw we didn't have our ears and tail yet, and were both very confused. "I don't get it. Why don't we have our ears or tails yet?" I practically yelled. "I don't know either! It's no fair!" Midnight replied. A soft chuckled, that sounded like a woman, came after our complaints. "Both of you are getting your ears and tails right now," The voice said. "I just brought you both here so you both could finally see what the moon spirit looked like." The same female voice said. We stood to our feet, and looked around for the source of the voice, but couldn't find anything, until I noticed a black and white wolf, with wings, standing on a nearby hill. Midnight looked as well, and we both awed in amazement at the sight of her. We smiled as we ran up to her. She had a smile on her maw as well when she saw us running up to her.

When we reached her, she put one of her front paws around us, and bent her neck down to hug us. We hugged her back by wrapping our arms around her neck. I had an amazing feeling of calmness inside when I pressed against her fur. It was soft to the touch, and I noticed that Midnight sounded calm as well when she sighed. We nuzzled closer to the wolf and her warmth, not wanting to leave, and wanting to enjoy the moment of calmness. "I've been watching you both from the moon, seeing how much both of you have grown." The wolf said as she laid down, and we laid next to her. Resting our heads on her side like how we would our Father during the night, we both felt safe in her fur. She lifted her wing, then nuzzled both of us with her muzzle. I closed my eyes, and felt the warmth of my sister and I being so close to her. The warmth of her fur, it was as if there was something found that was missing since I was born.

Midnight and I both yawned and nuzzled ourselves closer. "Sleep now dear children. For your futures will be shown to you soon..." She whispered gently to us, making me feel so tired. I gave another yawn and closed my eyes, and I heard Midnight yawn as well, feeling the warmth of the wolf. She gently hummed to us as we rested our heads. And I could feel a of the pain of the world going away, as I soon fell asleep, and Midnight after me.

Opening my eyes again, I saw Father curled around Midnight and me, and I even notice that Midnight was opening her eyes as well. "Morning you two..." Father said to us, gently nuzzling us both. I quickly rushed down the halls to Granduncle Trender's room so I could use one of his mirrors. Midnight followed me, and used the mirror opposite of mine. "I got gray ears and tail!" She said with a wide grin on her face. "I did too!" I grinned as we both looked at each other.

Father walked into the room, with Grandfather and his brothers following. "You both look so adorable!~" Granduncle Splendor smiled and bent down to our height. The others bent down to get a better look at our new ears and tail. "I guess Tsukiakari wanted to give you both the same color ears and tails." Grandfather chuckled and ruffled mine and Midnight's hair.


Shadow's P.O.V.


So, Kiba gave them both the same color ears and tails. I guess I couldn't blame her: twins are always seen next to each other with some differences, but both with different personalities. Midnight and River continued to stare at their reflections, and I even looked at mine as they stood next to me. A small family of wolves, if only complete if their mother was with us. I looked to the mirror to see a reflection of Kiba standing next to us, but when I turned my head to look at her, I was left with nothing. As I look to my children, I can only imagine what life will have for them.


Sorry that took so long everyone! Been really busy with some stuff. Thank you all so much for reading and being patient with the story, and I hope to see you all soon!!

❤️ U All 😘

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