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  I don't know what was going through my mind when I told Logan that I would come live with him. I also couldn't believe that Charles could do this to me and the fact that he seemed thrilled that the boys and I were moving away to Michigan. He even offered to help us pack and move out. I know that our marriage was in shambles, but for him to not even care to fight to see his boys, broke my heart. They seemed to be okay with it as well. They knew what their dad had done and were pretty upset with him. Not only did he cheat on their mother, but he was going to have a child with her and wanted to start over with a new family.

    I couldn't bring myself to tell my boys that, but even if they hadn't figured that out on their own, I don't think they want anything to do with their dad. That is their choice, and I will not force them to see him or try to have a relationship with him. I will do what any mother would do for their child. I will be there for them when they need me and love them.

    Once we got back to the house to pack our stuff, Logan and a few of his men, helped load everything into the U-Haul. After what seemed like hours, we had everything that we needed. I looked around and said goodbye to my old life and hello to my new one.

    Logan drove the boys and me, while the other three men rode in the U-Haul. We stopped at a hotel about halfway there so that we could get some rest. I shared a room with my boys, while Logan and the other men shared a room. As much as I wanted to share a bed with Logan, for some odd reason, I knew that was not a good idea.


    I didn't get much sleep while in the hotel, so I was pretty quiet on the last half of our drive to our new home. I still couldn't believe that I was moving in with Logan. I mean I felt something for him, but I don't want to just jump into another relationship, do I? The boys would probably be mad at me as well if I did.

    I was lost in my thoughts when Logan asked me if I was okay. When I didn't answer, he reached his hand over and placed it on mine. That got my attention. I looked up at him, glancing back at the boys, then back at him when I saw that they were sleeping. Logan asked again if I was okay. I told him I was, that I just had a lot on my mind.

    "Anything I can help you with?" He asked.

    "I don't think so," I replied.

    "Hmm," he started, "What is on your mind?"

    "Just everything that has happened and fixing to happen," I said.

    "What do you mean is fixing to happen?" Logan asked me.

    "Well, I'm moving my boys and myself in with you before I've even gotten a divorce, I'm going to be getting a divorce, my soon to be ex-husband was way too happy about us moving. Me I can understand, but our boys? Why wouldn't he want to see his boys everyday? Why not fight for them? Where are we going to sleep? Will we have separate rooms? Will you and I have to share a room?" I kept rambling on when Logan grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest and slowly breathed, making my mind slow down and breathing with him. How does he do that? How can this man make me calm? I thought to myself.

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